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Model UN Type of Game--any interest?: 2021-08-09 03:14:12

Level 40
Hey all,

Would anyone be interested in/familiar with some kind of Model UN type diplo game on here? Something like a DnD group almost, except each of us modeling our own government as its head of state or ruling body. I love that aspect of the games, and the warfare is really secondary (though of course it has its role to play).

It might require a dedicated group of people who all get along well enough, but if you want to try it out, let's go!
Model UN Type of Game--any interest?: 2021-08-16 03:14:14

Level 55
A Model UN diplomacy game sounds cool, I'll invite clan members too. Count me in! :D
Model UN Type of Game--any interest?: 2021-08-16 03:24:17

Level 57
I've been hosting a model African Union game for a long time.
Model UN Type of Game--any interest?: 2021-08-18 16:40:28

Level 46
problem is the game is built around the FFA-format
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