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Clans in the ladder: 3/27/2013 21:16:45

Level 43
I half understand your apology. But if you think the reference to Italy was supposed to be funny I have to disagree. The way Italian people feel women and even more so if this stereotype is enforced through politics is degrading. I'm sure Italy has tons of talented intelligent female politicians but their carreers are made a mockery by these images.

@W-Apex - I have no intention to be cured from my "ilness", since I'm happy as I am. Furthermore everyone talks about me being a lesbian but I'm actually bi and uhm.....If I so needed I'll rather see a REAL shrimp.
Clans in the ladder: 3/27/2013 21:16:45

Level 54
Exotic dancers in italian politics? 0_0
Clans in the ladder: 3/27/2013 21:21:51

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
Level 57
It was Silvio Berlusconi's most popular legislation I think :/
Clans in the ladder: 3/27/2013 21:30:53

Addy the Dog 
Level 62
Clans in the ladder: 3/27/2013 21:49:32

[WM] Anonymous 
Level 57
Unfortunatly femals are still discriminated and not treated as the same levels of men. Especially in souht Italy where you can find quite often a sort of patriarchy with the anexed domestic violence.
I never said that there aren't tons of intelligent talented women, but there are also a lot of examples (and the parliment is the apex of that) where females prefer to suck the right c**k (excuse me for being mean, but i really hate when they sell themselves like that, and than preteting to not be treated the same! should show more dignity as long as we can't hope for males to become all gentlmens) and reach the top, living in luxury surrounded by important people, instead of trying with their intellectual capacities. And italian parliment is the perfect example of how a lot of women preferred to GIVE head instead of USE it.
Clans in the ladder: 3/27/2013 21:52:22

Level 60
Haha, the thread is funny from a neutral perspective. It's interesting to observe how fixation on sexual orientation can drive the topic off the road taken beforehand. Seriously, count how many posts it took to make the topic completely detached from the name of that thread. From now on I'll call it "Late night warlight show with Atanka" :)

On a sidenote it is really interesting how is it possible for Aranka to get so quickly such a negative fanbase or, to call it for short, hatebase. Is it because "internut is not for gurls", or are there deeper issues that make some people feel intimidated by her? Go, go, warlight forum dogs, feast on this thread!
Clans in the ladder: 3/27/2013 21:59:45

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
Level 57
deep fan base

Are we reading the same thread? Red was the only person to say something against Aranka, yet apparently meant it as a joke. I see no haters, just a few people making jokes about the situation (which I interpreted all to be lighthearted with no hurt intended).
Clans in the ladder: 3/27/2013 22:00:13

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
Level 57
deep hate* base
Clans in the ladder: 3/27/2013 22:02:57

Addy the Dog 
Level 62
I agree with Arun, I see no hatebase. Also, sorry for changing the topic to Aranka, but that is more interesting than any of this boring ladder clan wahtevr nonsesnce zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Clans in the ladder: 3/27/2013 22:11:20

Level 60
I never said it was bad that the topics were switched, I only stated it was interesting.
Clans in the ladder: 3/27/2013 22:30:41

[WM] Anonymous 
Level 57
I like how Aarun grew and maturated threw the last months, good job mate. You started as a troll, now anyone have nothing against you ;)
Clans in the ladder: 3/28/2013 09:03:35

Addy the Dog 
Level 62
That second sentence wasn't directed at you szew, also +1 to red.
Clans in the ladder: 3/28/2013 10:59:41

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
Level 57
Thanks; just wished it would translate into playing skill :/
Clans in the ladder: 3/28/2013 11:39:09

Level 61
fast thread derailment is fast!
Clans in the ladder: 3/28/2013 12:48:49

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
Level 57
4-6 posts. Is that a record?
Clans in the ladder: 3/28/2013 20:40:52

Level 61
I don't think we are are showing as well in 1s (JSA is up there of course, and we have a few top 25 players), but in 2v2 [WG] is showing quite well:

JSA/Warlightvet were top 3, Lolowut/Andersault were top 3, Summer (with aper) is in top 10, I (with Noobschool am in and out of top 10 and marc2013 (with Willow) has been in the top 10 as well.
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