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Euro 2020 Thread: 2021-06-11 13:59:34

Level 57
The Euros starts today, and I know for a lot of you Europeans (and some North Americans like me!) it is a pretty big deal.

Who do you support? Are you doing any sort of predictor, like https://www.superbru.com/euros_predictor/, or a fantasy league like https://gaming.uefa.com/en/uefaeuro2020fantasyfootball? (If you want to join the Warzone league, the code is 39ERVCFR08!) Do you think it's stupid they still are calling it Euro 2020 even though it's in 2021? Any overrated/underrated teams?

Personally, I am rooting for England, my money's on Portugal, I am doing both of those, yes I think it should be called Euro 2021, and I think England is overrated and Italy is underrated.

Edited 6/11/2021 15:36:31
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