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Map of the week discussion: Week 331: 2021-06-03 05:11:08

Level 64

Warzone Creator

Every week we vote on 5 maps, and the map with the most votes becomes the map of the week for the following week.

Go here to vote: https://www.Warzone.com/MapOfTheWeek/View?Week=331

You can use this thread to discuss the current vote. Tell us why you voted the way you did!
Map of the week discussion: Week 331: 2021-06-03 06:57:31

Level 61
[quietly laughing over the gerrymandering I've caused]

Within two weeks, all the popular maps will be gone, and my map will finally have a chance at Map of the Week!

My map doesn't stand a chance against the popular maps by popular mapmakers, at all

Edited 6/3/2021 07:03:52
Map of the week discussion: Week 331: 2021-06-03 10:50:59

Level 57
I guess that Orannis period still continues :)
Map of the week discussion: Week 331: 2021-06-03 23:29:59

Level 52
Orannispocalypse. Orannis wins every subsequent MOTW and has to be banned from being nominated for MOTW to continue fairly.
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