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Introducing Racism To The World Of Cats: 2021-06-01 08:03:18

Level 40
Introducing Racism To The World Of Cats is a humourous roman that I am currently writing.
It is about a white cat Andy from Arizona who wants to establish white cat dominance in the world,kill all cats even a little black and enslave humans.
You can read it at this Discord server:
Take note that it is nowhere near being complete.
Its purpose is not to spread racism but is purely humourous.
By the way my friend Player25253 is trying to help but I will see if I will accept his ideas.
Have a good day!

Boka B

Edited 6/1/2021 08:37:57
Introducing Racism To The World Of Cats: 2021-06-02 14:36:59

Emperor Justinian
Level 53
Can I have a cameo
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