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Custom Neutrals with Standard Distribution: 2021-05-25 03:25:12

Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
Level 56
I have a game concept in mind, but I would like certain neutral territories to have certain army amounts of my choosing. I also want a random full distribution of the leftover territories. For instance, I want territory A to have 100, territory B to have 50, and territory C to have 0. I want territory A and B to not be part of the distribution, but I do want territory C to be part of the distribution. Would it be possible to add this mechanic? If I'm not clear, tell me and I will try to clarify better.
Basically to sum it up, I want a custom neutral scenario with a regular distribution mode that does not affect the altered neutral territories of my choosing. This may be difficult to implement, but I'm sure others would use it often. I know I most certainly will.
Custom Neutrals with Standard Distribution: 2021-05-25 03:28:58

Level 60
I could make a really cool chess map with this
Custom Neutrals with Standard Distribution: 2021-05-25 03:30:10

TSFH is garbage
Level 16
Cool idea!
Custom Neutrals with Standard Distribution: 2021-05-25 03:31:35

Level 22
I would use this
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