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Warzone Single-Player Olympiad: 2021-05-18 02:57:04

Level 57
What is this? A competition of creating and clearning single-player levels.
Format: Double elimination, team size unlimited (you can play by yourself or get whole clan to join).
How does it work? You are paired up with your opponent. You play up to 3 rounds, whoever wins 2 rounds, wins the whole match.
In each round, you and your opponent are given 3 drafts. Each draft will contain <type>, <wincon>, (time) and can contain [gimmicks]. You and your opponent both chose one draft to remove. The remaining draft will determine what you are clashing in this round.

1) Creation - you try to make better level than the opponent
2) Completion - you and your opponent are given a level you must beat better than the other

1) Competitive: your goal is to beat opponent's level in less attempts than your opponent used to beat your. In case of draw, team which cleared opponent's level in less turns wins. If that still doesn't decide the winner, then the winner is whoever cleared opponent's level faster.
2) Strategic: your goal is to create a more fun level then the opponent. The fun should come from beating a challenge, presenting interesting mechanics etc.. Story will have much less impact on the rating.
3) Story: your goal is to create a more fun level then the opponent. The fun should come from atmosphere, AI names, descriptions etc. Challenge & gameplay will have less impact on the rating.

1) Speedrun: you will be given level which you must beat in less turns then the opponent. You have limited amount of attempts. If that doesn't decide the winner, whoever used less attempts will win. If that still doesn't decide the winner, then the winner is whoever cleared the level faster.
2) Clear: you will be given level which you must beat in attempts than the opponent. If that doesn't decide the winner, whoever won in less turns will win. If that still doesn't decide the winner, then the winner is whoever cleared the level faster.
3) Gauntlet: you are given N attempts and series of levels. Whoever beats more levels wins. Tiebreaker 1: how many attempts you had before moving to the last level. Tiebreaker 2: total amount of turns. Tiebreaker 3: who ran out of attempts faster.

Time is how long you have to create/ complete levels.

Gimmicks are settings you must include in the level. Be it reinforcement cards, manual distribution, no-split, given map etc. Bomb card and commanders will be only included if both sides agrees.

Teachnical staff:
1) To join, post here or mail me, tell me if you are solo or in a team, and who is in that team. Tell if you are alright with creating levels with commanders and bomb cards (you need membership for that).
2) You can change team members even during the event. Please, don't be part of more teams.
3) During level creation, you can collaborate with your teammates. You can use one of your older levels, if it fits [gimmicks]
4) During beating of levels, you can collaborate with your teammates (though, good luck with that). The amount of attempts is per team, not per person.
5) When you beat a level, save screenshot with how many turns it took you and when you beat it. Count your attempts.
6) If you lost a level only because of luck (example: you need 1st order in cyclic move order to beat it), mail me. If you really lost only beacause of luck, your attempt will be refunded.
7) Don't make too boring/ annoying/ grindy/ luck based levels
8) Fair play.
9) You can join the jury! Jury will determine the winner of Strategic and Story levels. You can participate and be in the jury at the same time.
10) You can sign up your levels for Completion! You can participate and sing up your levels at the same time.

If at least 8 teams join, the event will be hold as single-elimination
If at least 16 teams join, the event will be hold as double-elimination
The maximum amount of teams is 64. In case of massive interest, I will search for a co-host to increase the amount of open slots.

Strategic level pointing system:
35 points for gimmick intergration. Assume desired gimmick is reinforcement card. If you had 999 pieces card for 1 army, nobody gets extra card pieces, you get 0 points. If you use it in the same way as Blitzkrieg Borg, you get all points.
55 points for gameplay. Make the level challenging, fun, add interesting mechanics etc.
10 points for story. AI names, level description, atmosphere etc.

Story level pointing system:
35 points for gimmick intergration. Assume desired gimmick is reinforcement card. If you had 999 pieces card for 1 army, nobody gets extra card pieces, you get 0 points. If you use it in the same way as Blitzkrieg Borg, you get all points.
45 points for story. AI names, level description, atmosphere etc.
20 points for gameplay. Make the level challenging, fun, add interesting mechanics etc.

Edited 5/18/2021 13:19:06
Warzone Single-Player Olympiad: 2021-05-18 02:57:13

Level 57
Example draft:
1) <creation> <competition> (10 days, 7 days) [map: ]https://www.warzone.com/SinglePlayer?PreviewMap=94760]
2) <creation> <strategic> (17 days) [Local Deploayment] [Random Warlords Distribution]
3) <competition> <speedrun> (17 days) (10 attempts) [normal fog] [FFA] [automatic custom scenario] [map: ]https://www.warzone.com/SinglePlayer?PreviewMap=55574] [not puzzle]*

*selected level would be https://www.warzone.com/SinglePlayer/Level?ID=1293900 Revealed once/ if chosen for current round.

Edited 5/18/2021 13:20:10
Warzone Single-Player Olympiad: 2021-05-18 03:04:35

Level 57
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