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Could anyone help me with this please?: 2021-03-02 19:25:48

Level 57
Hi, I have created a custom game with a custom scenario and would like to give the players the chance to pick their chosen territory.
I have set the distribution to manual but didn't work. I tried "automatic" too but that didn't work either.
Does anyone know where the problem is?
Could anyone help me with this please?: 2021-03-02 19:38:20

Level 59
1)You have to manually give each player a slot in a custom scenario
2) you can also create a team game with one person teams, Team A has an open seat (slot A), and goes on and on, for the people to choose their start
Could anyone help me with this please?: 2021-03-02 19:53:34

Alexander Deewan Abbay
Level 18
wow that was super quick! thanks a lot.
I will try that. Thank you
Could anyone help me with this please?: 2021-03-03 10:33:56

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Automatic custom = you make distribution with slots (A, B, C, ....) and put players into the slots. As host you cam change other players' slots. In tournament games the slot given to player is chosen randomly.

Manual custom = you make distribution with slots. All territories which are given to a slot become "green" and when the game starts, players can chose n green territories as their starting territories. Even from different slots. Picked territories will retain the amount of armies which were in custom scenario (so you can make a territory start with 100 armies, another with 2; very useful to trolling people)
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