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Battles: # of times attacked: 2021-02-05 22:20:45

Level 56
It seems like I get targeted with attacks at a higher rate than other players in every battle. I usually get targeted at least 2x as the next closest player. Why is this happening? Other people get targeted about 20 or 30 times and I’m targeted over 100 times. Can someone please explain this!
Battles: # of times attacked: 2021-02-05 22:53:45

Level 63
People dont like you.
Battles: # of times attacked: 2021-02-06 07:31:47

Level 36
Reduce the number of armies you have. With the increase in the number of players I've noticed most of them appear to attack the person with the most armies.
Battles: # of times attacked: 2021-02-06 17:21:34

Level 56
I get attacked when I am in last place with the least amount of armies... I also get attacked when I am down to just one territory.
Battles: # of times attacked: 2021-02-09 22:31:27

Level 62
It’s just a truly terrible design. If you have AP upgrades you get crushed. I get hit 150 times while avoiding clicking anything and sitting in 20th. Comes right down to my passives are too high since there’s no bracket. Winners get hit 10-20 times.

At least having the weapons default to random would give a modicum of balance but noooope. Just screws over the long time players. Would avoid it.
Battles: # of times attacked: 2021-02-14 18:35:04

Level 21
Yep. The only way for me to have a chance not to get dogpiled is to do nothing at all until the very end. But it seems that now when you are not active you get disconnected as well. Kind of annoying.
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