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Ore Sell Value Advancment Good??: 2020-11-06 02:08:26

MightySpeck (a Koala) 
Level 60
On my current level this is my my money spread

5T out of the 7T money is all from ore. and i only started selling my ore because i did the math and found all bars after Neodymium don't make money, selling the ore from them will just make you more money and leaves my smelters smelting things that make money and i don't have to change the smelters as much. I should add that i already had some AD points spent in ore sell value because after my second level i was like i thought it seemed good (it's at 45% rn), which maybe i'm right. Curios to see if other people aren't making money from high tier Bars. (also wonder if fizzer will tweak the math because i really think he meant for bars to be worth more)

some examples from my current level:

Neodymium needs 81K Neodymium and 228K Gold. Neodymium ore costs 13k and gold ore costs 625.
81K * 13k = 1..053B and 228K * 625 = 142.5M adding those gets 1.1955B and the bar sells for "1.1B" which idk how that rounds but the ore seems like it would round to 1.2B so i assume it's more.

Dysprosium needs 354K Dysprosium, 437K Yttrium, 1.18K Silicon, and 1.42K Lead.
Dysprosium ore= 5.15M, Yttrium Ore = 2.43M, Silicon Ore = 66, Lead Ore = 31.
5.15M * 354K = 1.8231T, 2.43M * 437K = 1.06191T, and those added ups is 2.88501T and the Bar sells for 2.39T. this one has a lot of a bigger gap,

still not a lot but since you only have to spend like maybe 200 or 300? to upgrade ore sell value all the way seems worth to me. (obviously things like increase AC and Merc Advancements are still worth more)

Edited 11/6/2020 02:08:45
Ore Sell Value Advancment Good??: 2020-11-09 15:39:19

Level 61
I also agree that this is a sneaky good advancement and rank it #4 after army camps + joint strike + more mercs among the level 1 advancements.

For me, what it comes down to is that the difference in sell price between ore and bars is ~10-20%. Rather than invest valuable smelter time to achieve this, you can throw a measly 100 AP into this upgrade and save your smelters for whatever is needed for tech. Selling ore directly is faster, protects the smelters, and a quality of life upgrade (similar to increased idle time in this regard). It’s a complete no-brainer to me.

The real challenge is the Level 2 advancements - there’s about
Ore Sell Value Advancment Good??: 2020-11-09 17:44:45

Level 65
The cost for each of the items and alloys changes each level, so there would be a different formula each time. I am working on Old Town, and I've worked to compute everything so far and the higher development still does pay for itself (I am only to Chromium, so it may change as I go higher). That being said, I am also looking not only the "smelt savings" and "craft savings" but also the savings per second... because it may make more sense to bring a smaller return but to be able to do that faster. Sometimes I find that I have a boatload of some of the early ore that I can utilize more quickly than waiting for the longer smelters/crafters to finish a long process. Especially if I want to sell them quickly so that I can make an upgrade that I have been waiting for.
Ore Sell Value Advancment Good??: 2020-11-10 15:51:10

MightySpeck (a Koala) 
Level 60
I just thought about how smelt dupe might change things. I’ll probably ask someone who gets stats a bit more to help me figure it out, but I think that would probably make it more worth it.

Well I guess it would just be safe to assume for every 10 I make it will be 11. I’ll do some scenarios when I get home.

Edited 11/10/2020 15:52:52
Ore Sell Value Advancment Good??: 2020-11-10 16:13:15

Level 62
Ore value is the way to go atm. Alloy value has some benefit (resource cache/arenas, sometimes slight cash value), but not anywhere close to worth the AP, the recipe bars, the smelter use etc
Ore Sell Value Advancment Good??: 2020-11-10 19:30:03

Level 61
Agreed entirely

My message got cut off but the main benefit to the alloy value in my mind is that it is tier 2. What are you using to get to 8000 AP? Crafter speed?
Ore Sell Value Advancment Good??: 2020-11-11 11:21:49

Dj Storm
Level 59
Warzone Idle is still in beta.
Copper ore used to have a reference value, usually 1₩, tin twice that value, iron 4 times, zinc 10 times, etc. Now the superior ores are way more valuable (and copper ore price is usually under 1₩). This can change in a future update, and revenue from all ores might drop below that of the bars, even with the ore price advancement maxed out.
Ore Sell Value Advancment Good??: 2020-11-12 17:00:35

MightySpeck (a Koala) 
Level 60
Did a little bit of math including smelt dupe and it seems like you would have to dupe way more then 10% to earn more money, it does probably make the prices way closer then we think though. (But overtime ores will end up being worth more).

Any one know what a legendary smelt dupe artifacts will give you?

Edited 11/12/2020 17:01:16
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