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Map of the week discussion: Week 300: 2020-10-26 10:15:39

Level 64

Warzone Creator

Every week we vote on 5 maps, and the map with the most votes becomes the map of the week for the following week.

Go here to vote: https://www.Warzone.com/MapOfTheWeek/View?Week=300

You can use this thread to discuss the current vote. Tell us why you voted the way you did!
Map of the week discussion: Week 300: 2020-10-26 10:29:08

Level 61
Week 300 Ah... I like all 5 but India is my least favorite of them. It's narrow.. As bad with chokepoints as snowy mountains map. Tough choice for me with mali and 12bases then you've got Kratts map which actually looks good and the map i nominated, United States Historical Native American Tribes. Mali is really clean and good for strat as well as Kratts map and hard not to pick either one but voted for 12 bases 2 weeks ago when it should've won. Then sidetracked to pick Nikitans map last week. As much as i want to vote for Mali I'm gonna vote for 12 bases.

Edited 10/26/2020 10:47:28
Map of the week discussion: Week 300: 2020-10-26 19:52:01

Level 60
oof, tough choices. 12 bases is really a beautiful map and should have won by now. on the other hand, terra marinia is a very good strategic map. my final coice is 12 bases, voting for kratts map next week.
Map of the week discussion: Week 300: 2020-10-26 21:18:56

Level 46
Anyone interested in doing a betting game based on MOTW?
Map of the week discussion: Week 300: 2020-10-27 21:59:44

Level 60
im down
Map of the week discussion: Week 300: 2020-10-28 19:46:20

Level 60
sure, i tried to set one up a while ago
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