Rikku book review!1939The war that had many father: 2020-04-15 21:16:37 |
│ [20] │MASTER│ Rikku │ I love my wife │ • apex │
Level 61
"1939 the war that had many father" - Book talks about the events leading up to 1939.
The book starts from the formation of the German empire in 1871 to the events leading up to the 1st world war and to how these events predeceased the chain of actions in 1939 that lead to the outbreak of the second world war.
It was an enlightening read on the subject as I must admit my history of this period is patchy , my understanding of the great wars outbreak was essentially non existent in a meaningful sense. Other than the bare bones knowledge that in 1914 there was tension in Europe - someone important got assassinated and this lead to a chain of declarations of war.
The knowledge on the second world war was likewise flawed but more information about it was known to me , learning about such an event from an English perspective with no more information that the basic history taught in high school and a supplementary information through documentaries (which tend to be slow and very focused in topic. Such as Hitlers super weapons , the Uboat war ect (can't remember the exact names but you know typical yesterday content that aired in the uk from 2007 to now I suppose but mostly saw these things as a younger child so couldn't comment on current offerings)).
I can't describe it well but you are taught (from my experience) that the Germans were pure evil and that the country you come from and your countrymen are responsible for fighting in a holy war against a morally reprehensible foe. The basic high school education a large part is taken up on describing the atrocities of the German side they do an okay attempt at talking about the events leading up to the 2nd world war the failure or the league of nations and other such events but I can say at that age you take much in. I also find it funny you meet quite a few gimps who say things like "Yeah I wish I was in a room with Hitler I would give him the satisfaction of death I would torture him so bad ect (but In crasser terms).Which I understand why you would feel such an anger towards a person you feel solely responsible for such a terrible event but even without much knowledge of it I though that thinking was silly.
I understand the perspective on the general feelings you are taught and the ideas expressed about the war to children - thus forming the base of there understanding for the rest of the life lest someone decides to examine the events more clearly - are flawed in that this is just my opinion and feeling that this is what collectively other British people are raised to believe. However I don't think my experiences are that far from others experiences in the same vein.
Rikku book review!1939The war that had many father: 2020-04-15 21:32:16 |
│ [20] │MASTER│ Rikku │ I love my wife │ • apex │
Level 61
Anyway I didn't really review the book there lol and I won't be quitting my day job anytime but wanted to talk about it in relation to my experiences. =)
Anyway not sure what the conclusion is , I suppose what I am trying to say is that you are raised to have an indignant anger towards the 3rd Reich and there roll in killing millions in the 2nd world war. Then later on you learn Russian crimes were just as bad and you feel a large anger but lesser than the one cultivated to have towards Germany. But the book helps see that the righteous anger could be directed to many peoples statesmen and events. This almost leads one (me) to have an fierce anger against peoples or nations for there apparent almost equal responsibility however that is pointless. But I think this (un?)righteous anger is why some people in the face of a revelation and non obvious enormous injustice can ignore all of German crimes and become Hitler fans (obviously this is a massive oversimplification of many other issues and shit.
But yeah I guess you can just draw the fundamental but perhaps childish realisation that people are shit nations are shit and people can rule themselves. But that sort of think is of little value since it just is innit , you can't ignore people or society just because of their flaws so calling them all shit is just hmmmm somewhat true but pointless endeavour and doesn't help the human condition of both yourself and others.
I'm not really sure where I am going I'm not formulating my thoughts to great here my intellectual capacity for someone on the brisk of 20 is dubious.
Okay not good book review Have a good day you benders!
I guess TL:DR indignant anger is bad I guess
Rikku book review!1939The war that had many father: 2020-04-16 00:27:39 |
Level 47
Been wanting to read this for a few years. Also check out Quiggley's Tragedy and Hope as a complete historical overview of the 20th century. Quiggley argues that Hitler and the Nazis were promoted by the British shadow elite (the Cliveden Set) to engineer a war that would destroy Germany and increase the global hegemony of the Atlantic establishment (the UK and the US)