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Ewupa Cup (Formally Known as the Europian Cup, Simplified!): 2012-07-03 17:59:33

Level 60
A new tournament is starting! The tournament will start off as a series of 3 free for all and team multi day matches. One person from each of these areas will represent there side.

Match Arrangement:
1st, team game with teams of 2.
2nd, free for all
3rd, free for all

Great Britain and Island,
Canada, USA north (As far south as Virginia, Missouri, Colorado, Utah, Idahio and Oregon)
USA south and Mexico,
Brazil and South America,
Middal East and India,
Indochina (Laos, Thailand, Burma, Vietnam, Cambodia and Singapore),
Australia and Indonesia,
Italy and Spain,
Belguim and the Netherlands,
Central Europe (Austria, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Croatia and Czech Republic)[i/],
Southern Europe (Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Albania, Montenegro and Kosovo)[i/],
Norway and Sweden,
Finland and Russia,
Denmark and 'the lowlands' (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia)

Thats 19 teams.

The arragments
The 5 pairs last alive in round 1 move to round 2.
The 5 people left alive in round 2 move on to round 3.
If you want to sign up place your name and which country/area you want to represent.

P.S: You must live in that area.

A selection of maps will be chosen. Map list will be relesed after all teams have been signed up. List will posted up after all teams have been signed up. Game will be created by me!

So what are you waiting for sign up today?

P.S: If you are going to sign up check 2 things, 1: You can log in daily as you will be kicked for 3 day inactivity. 2: That you arnt going on holiday while the tournament will be on as holidays and vactions will be ignored.
Ewupa Cup (Formally Known as the Europian Cup, Simplified!): 2012-07-03 18:26:46

Richard Sharpe 
Level 59
What, praytell, is Ewupa?
Ewupa Cup (Formally Known as the Europian Cup, Simplified!): 2012-07-03 18:52:10

Level 35
I'd like to represent Belguim..please tell me more about those arragments
Ewupa Cup (Formally Known as the Europian Cup, Simplified!): 2012-07-03 18:56:17

Level 55
An Indochinese team and an Indonesian ... but nothing from China, Korea, Japan area?

How did you choose the criteria for teams?
Ewupa Cup (Formally Known as the Europian Cup, Simplified!): 2012-07-03 19:00:37

Level 55
* Edit I can see China now - but still how did you choose the criteria?

For example Lithuania is grouped with Denmark?
Ewupa Cup (Formally Known as the Europian Cup, Simplified!): 2012-07-03 19:18:29

Level 50
Ow, and you called the Baltics the lowlands :)
The lowlands are NL+Belgium.
Ewupa Cup (Formally Known as the Europian Cup, Simplified!): 2012-07-03 19:25:53

Level 60
Envaeronment you can represent Belguim and the netherlands.
Ska2D2 the groups are pretty large as i am only having 19 teams just incase it isnt so polular. Korea and Japan are being linked with China. Lithuania is grouped with Denmark as they have low numbers of Warlight players but when added togever they have a far few. Ska2D2 is that a sign up for China?
Richard Ewupa is simply the name of the tournament. It sounds funny but gives a sense of sperated unity, hence free for all!
Ewupa Cup (Formally Known as the Europian Cup, Simplified!): 2012-07-03 19:31:52

Level 60
Also, if you dont mind me asking what is your email adress Envaeronment so i can send you a copy of the full plans, teams and terms. I will be setting up a thourum with them all on once all teams are signed up for so it doesnt matter if you do or not.

The following teams are still unsigned for!

Great Britain and Island,
USA north (As far south as Virginia, Missouri, Colorado, Utah, Idahio and Oregon)
USA south and Mexico,
Brazil and South America,
Middal East and India,
Indochina (Laos, Thailand, Burma, Vietnam, Cambodia and Singapore),
Australia and Indonesia,
Italy and Spain,
Central Europe (Austria, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Croatia and Czech Republic)[i/],
Southern Europe (Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Albania, Montenegro and Kosovo)[i/],
Norway and Sweden,
Finland and Russia,
Denmark and 'the lowlands' (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia)

The following teams maybe signed up for but you can still try and get it!


The following are signed up!

Belguim and the Netherlands: Envaeronment

The teams are still availible for 18 places! Post now and sign up to play in the first Ewupa Cup!
Ewupa Cup (Formally Known as the Europian Cup, Simplified!): 2012-07-03 20:04:22

Level 35
Actually I was joking about your poor spelling..I have no intention of joining this poor copy of the Nations Cup
Ewupa Cup (Formally Known as the Europian Cup, Simplified!): 2012-07-03 21:23:30

Level 55
No I am not signing up for this. Just curious about the teams ... it might be better to let people set up there own teams? Then the players will sort the geographical splits for you?
Ewupa Cup (Formally Known as the Europian Cup, Simplified!): 2012-07-04 00:42:50

Level 54
In the other thread you said:
If you have questions then post them with your sign up or send me a email.

Question 1: So, we are not allowed to even ask question without signing up as well? That's "peculiar".
Question 2: How do you envision people emailing you; WL doesn't reveal people's email address and you didn't post it yourself either.

How are you going to make teams of two out of 19 participants. And why?? You could simply start with FFAs right away...?

Your division into regions is rather weird; usually when countries get grouped into regions some attention is paid to historical, cultural and/or political bonds.
I would never group Finland with Russia; grouping them with the Baltic States (as Moros pointed out already "The Lowlands" refers to the Netherlands and Belgium, not (to the best of my knowledge) to the Baltics...) might be acceptable, but grouping them with Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland into the "Nordic" region seems to be pretty standard.
Maybe it's just me, but I think it's hilarious how Serbia and Kosovo ended up in different regions; there's still people who think it is (or, at least, should be) one country, yet you separate them even further than anyone else...
When you say "Great Britain and Island" do you mean "GB and Ireland" or "GB and Iceland"?
Sticking to "common" regions also helps a lot when you don't want to have to list each and every single country. For instance, I guess Portugal would be in the "Spain and Italy" group, but where does Switzerland go; with France, or with Central Europe? This is especially important since you seem to have forgotten about just about half of Europe (the ones I already mentioned, some small nations (Luxembourg and everything smaller), Slovenia, Slovakia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Belarus, Ukraine). A similar situation occurs in Central America where everything between Mexico and "South America" (Colombia I guess??) is left unassigned.

Long story short: if there's so many issues with something so relatively simple as defining regions, I doubt you'll manage to run the tournament itself very well...
Ewupa Cup (Formally Known as the Europian Cup, Simplified!): 2012-07-04 16:18:59

Level 60
There are 19 teams as there are 19 regions, i havent said every sigle country as that would be pointless. If you are in a country that is undefined then join the are closet. For example colombia could join either South America or Mexico. You can set emails, mine is skunk9403@gmail is you have eney questions. The onyl reason i dont want people asking questions is that it blocks up the post. If you have a question feel free to email me and get a quicker response.
Ska2D2 that is a alright idea but we shall stick with this for know.
Thank you Envaeroment for your apoligys.

The following teams are still unsigned for!

Great Britain and Island,
USA north (As far south as Virginia, Missouri, Colorado, Utah, Idahio and Oregon)
USA south and Mexico,
Brazil and South America,
Middal East and India,
Indochina (Laos, Thailand, Burma, Vietnam, Cambodia and Singapore),
Australia and Indonesia,
Italy and Spain,
Central Europe (Austria, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Croatia and Czech Republic)[i/],
Southern Europe (Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Albania, Montenegro and Kosovo)[i/],
Norway and Sweden,
Finland and Russia,
Denmark and 'the lowlands' (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia),
Belguim and the Netherlands

Sign Up Today!
Ewupa Cup (Formally Known as the Europian Cup, Simplified!): 2012-07-04 18:36:52

Level 50
The following teams are still unsigned. Were there any changes?
And you still have the same mistakes.
Why don't you make people that want to sign up send you e-mails? Posts here are meant so other people can read it and contribute, and I don't see any reason why you someone would respond to a signup.
Ewupa Cup (Formally Known as the Europian Cup, Simplified!): 2012-07-04 21:19:20

Kenny • apex 
Level 59
You're at a disadvantage doing this now with the Nation Cup in full force.
Ewupa Cup (Formally Known as the Europian Cup, Simplified!): 2012-07-05 15:15:21

Level 2
I'll represent Great Britain, this looks better than the Nations Cup for people like me who are a bit more new to tournaments.
And Moros i think the whole point of the forums is so people can easily see who has appleid for what team. Emails mean only skunk would see it and would make clashes of who's in what team often and make things complicated.
Ewupa Cup (Formally Known as the Europian Cup, Simplified!): 2012-07-05 15:28:27

Level 50
Says the guy who has completed seven games and won none of them.
Ewupa Cup (Formally Known as the Europian Cup, Simplified!): 2012-07-05 15:31:48

Level 60
Moros stop trying to ruin this for everyone else. This thourom is for signing up and asking questions. If it was done by email then no one would now eneything.
Lolowut this tournament is mainly free for all so theres a little difference to the nations cup.

The following teams are still unsigned for!

USA north (As far south as Virginia, Missouri, Colorado, Utah, Idahio and Oregon)
USA south and Mexico,
Brazil and South America,
Middal East and India,
Indochina (Laos, Thailand, Burma, Vietnam, Cambodia and Singapore),
Australia and Indonesia,
Italy and Spain,
Central Europe (Austria, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Croatia and Czech Republic)[i/],
Southern Europe (Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Albania, Montenegro and Kosovo)[i/],
Norway and Sweden,
Finland and Russia,
Denmark and 'the lowlands' (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia),
Belguim and the Netherlands

The current teams are singed up for!

Great Britain and Ireland: Puke

Sign Up Today!
Ewupa Cup (Formally Known as the Europian Cup, Simplified!): 2012-07-05 15:53:37

Level 50
Hey Skunk, what if I would copy your Solar System map exactly, but only change a few borders and connections, and then go advertise for it, without giving you credit or asking permission, wouldn't that piss you off?
This is exactly the same! You're stealing the concept Dunga invented (there's no need for smart comments about that he didn't invent the concept of teams of different countries fighting against each other, I mean that he's the first one who adjusted it to Warlight), starting it while the other one is still running, and just expect people to love it!
Your biggest mistake is the timing. Just believe me, cancel this, and reboot it in half a year, but clearly state that it's an adaptation of Dunga's idea. I'd happily join it by then (if there weren't dozens of Dutchman better than me)
Ewupa Cup (Formally Known as the Europian Cup, Simplified!): 2012-07-05 16:03:26

J Russell Mikkelsen 
Level 4
If you are in a country that is undefined then join the are closet.

Band together my brothers of the countries undefined! Rise as one! Join me, my friends. Separate we are weak and scattered, but together we are... THE ARE CLOSET!!
Ewupa Cup (Formally Known as the Europian Cup, Simplified!): 2012-07-05 16:38:21

Level 60
This is no copy. Nations cup is total seperate and nothing like this. For 1 national is a teamed game this is free for all. 2nd i dont even now what the nations tournament is doing i have never looked into it.

The following teams are still unsigned for!

USA north (As far south as Virginia, Missouri, Colorado, Utah, Idahio and Oregon)
USA south and Mexico,
Brazil and South America,
Middal East and India,
Indochina (Laos, Thailand, Burma, Vietnam, Cambodia and Singapore),
Australia and Indonesia,
Italy and Spain,
Central Europe (Austria, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Croatia and Czech Republic)[i/],
Southern Europe (Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Albania, Montenegro and Kosovo)[i/],
Norway and Sweden,
Finland and Russia,
Denmark and 'the lowlands' (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia),
Belguim and the Netherlands

The current teams are singed up for!

Great Britain and Ireland: Puke

Sign Up Today!
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