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what can we learn?: 2020-01-07 02:18:53

Level 45
this is in response to trumps tweet thread and especialy this tweet in particular https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1213593975732527112 . i know that donald trmp plays on warzone and reads the strategy forum so this is mostly directed at him but will be written in a general way as to include the larger populous . with responses and Q&A. this is also a form of strategy to be used in warzone games.
the destruction of monuments is a proud tradition of man going back beyond time in memoriam. stonehenge is ironically a monument to the destruction of monuments, which explains why generally everything older than 1400 years old is so decrepid and disgusting. the persians burnt athens, alexander burnt persepolis, the cycle continues. etc etc. is this a bad thing? maybe, depends on who is looking at it and from what elevation (physical & spiritual elev).
asthis applies to warzone is mostly easy in medium or no fog games where you can see where the other person spawned. if you can make their birthplace into a tombplace you have won the game, this is indisputable. this is also possible in heavyfog game sbut is more tricky and requires carpet bombing methods.
the destruction of monuments is just as decestating to ppl on the other end as carrying away captives, but most monuments are not kept within the trongest strongholds of a city.this makes them very easy targests.
one of the most important things to note here is that the destruction of monumnets is effective ONLY in evrvpean and MENA countries. isis leaders understand this and we must learn all that we can from tese modern day war sophists. in countries eg china japan etc they do not care wether sites get destroyed or not. you see this in great wall of china """""restorations"""""", destructiona nd rebuilding of temple s constantly (every 100 years), and they do not consider tese reconstructons to be reconstructios. they consider them to be original. this is why china is the final boss of america in the game of world domination, its like trying to stop water coming out of a hose by punching it. it just doesnt work.
destruction of monuments is strongly protested by the international criminal court wich reveals its biases and racism agains t the asiatic worldview. as the UN and its faggy appendages keep on pushing for having a soul in the world this will continue to alienate the asian countries.
what can we learn?: 2020-01-07 04:52:16

Johnny Silverhand 
Level 59
This doesn't belong on the Strategy forum.
what can we learn?: 2020-01-07 05:25:43

Level 45
you are wrong
what can we learn?: 2020-01-07 05:33:33

Johnny Silverhand 
Level 59
I suppose I shouldn't expect a window licker with stats like so:

1v1: 19 / 82 (23%)

to understand what the strategy forum is for.
what can we learn?: 2020-01-07 05:49:30

Level 64
Just simply win the warzone.
what can we learn?: 2020-01-07 11:01:57

Level 49
Our Chinese overlords are unaware of the ancient origins of their "great wall." It was originally a series of massive water slides with the most extensive plumbing works known to man, meant to keep the Xiongnu distracted from raping and pillaging. Refreshments of the highest caliber were always provided, including smaller slides for the children; there was always something for everyone. But alas, the silly orientals have forgotten their own heritage in favor of crypto-slavic anarcho-monarchism. They now shit their pantes whenever a sparrow takes to the air.

How the mighty have fallen.
what can we learn?: 2020-01-07 17:11:56

Level 23
^ Great Wall was actually (if you can believe it) an offensive structure that allowed the Chinese states of the time (and eventually the Qin and Han) to expand into and hold onto territory held by nomadic people (without having to devote military resources that would make them vulnerable to other Chinese states or to internal rebellion). It was also pre-Xiongnu, and you could even argue that the conversion of the Long Walls into a Great Wall precipitated the rise of the nomadic empire as opposed to much less troublesome small nomadic states.
what can we learn?: 2020-01-07 20:08:49

Level 49
^crypto-korean lies
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