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Your opponents start in the Brown Color: 2019-07-22 19:52:38

Level 50
On some maps, they have distribution settings that segregate what territories are selectable for each player in manual distribution (such as Colion's Middle Earth Map), so you choose a territory (ies) in the green region and your opponent chooses from the brown region. Is it possible to set that up in a custom scenario? If yes, please walk me through how to do that

A screenshot to clarify what I'm talking about in case the question isn't clear. I want to know how I can enable this in a custom scenario build
Your opponents start in the Brown Color: 2019-07-22 20:38:23

Level 64

Warzone Creator
What you're referring to is called scenario distribution. They're built into the map and are only about to be defined by the map maker.
Your opponents start in the Brown Color: 2019-07-22 23:21:14

Level 63
You could make a version of scenario distribution using a custom scenario.
For all territories you want to be pickable, set them to slot A. Change one of the territories to be in slot B (custom scenario requires at least 2 slots). Save the scenario. Allow player to make their own picks (not automatic).

Using this method is a bit like custom warlords.

Edited 7/22/2019 23:22:11
Your opponents start in the Brown Color: 2019-07-23 02:22:25

Level 50
Thanks DanWL, just ran a couple of tries using the method, both creating a level and custom game (slot A and B) but it seems manual distribution overrides the who can pick territories of what slot feature of the custom scenario. It is possible with automatic distribution as I can assign each player a slot letter, but if I have manual distribution enabled, any player can choose any slot. Am I missing something that allows me to assign letter slots with manual distribution enabled?

It may be as Fizzer said and built into the map design itself. It's a shame, but I guess its more complex than I thought to have this feature.
Your opponents start in the Brown Color: 2019-07-23 02:32:16

Level 63
^ that’s the idea. It’s the closest you’ll get without making a map and adding scenario distribution.
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