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The Frenzy Lumberjack duo: 2019-07-20 11:34:25

Level 31
I have no idea to win this level (The Frenzy Lumberjack duo)-
What ist the best way to do?

Edited 7/20/2019 13:19:27
The Frenzy Lumberjack duo: 2019-07-21 00:37:47

Level 59
You have to avoid lose any of your territories at the brothers.
Kill the one nearby you very quickly and get the 2 territories from the other brother on his side of the river also very fast.
Then get deploy and finish him off.
The Frenzy Lumberjack duo: 2019-07-21 08:01:08

Level 31
Thank you for your answer.
But in the second turn, the left brother gets about 250 armies.
So I can not avoid loosing my territories. I can just break threw the frontline. But then I can just hold one territory, because the left brother follows me. I must escape every turn, get five armies per turn and loose the same number to conquer the next territoriy. In that time the other brother builds up his army and I will be killed between them.
If I try to kill the right brother, the left one kills him and me.
I must get more armies- How?
The Frenzy Lumberjack duo: 2019-07-21 08:51:23

Level 63

The enemy on the left (lumberjack Joe) will deploy the extra armies only if he manages to capture one of your territories (he has 99/100 card pieces of the reinforcement card). So focus your armies to block his attacks for the first 2 turns!

In the meanwhile you should also rush East to bock the expansion of the second Ai!
The Frenzy Lumberjack duo: 2019-07-21 12:56:59

Level 59
Put your 4 territories next to the left brother like this 5-6-6-5
Then move some armies to these territories to defend them.
Try to attack the left brother at the end of your first turn and get at least 2 of his territories.
next turn try to finish him and expand to the south and east. Leave one of the 2 and all the 20 supply territories behind you and try to settle to the other side of the lake.
Now just defend those both and try to get the left territories on the west side to get more supply.
The Frenzy Lumberjack duo: 2019-07-21 13:41:09

Level 31
Thank you, now the left brother is dead after two or three turns. But when I reach the lake without conquering the neutrial fields with 20 armies in turn 5, I have zu fight against the right Brother. But after 14-30 turns, the right brother gets about 200 armies.
The Frenzy Lumberjack duo: 2019-07-21 15:11:06

Level 59
I don´t know how to save a replay to show you how I did it.
I tryed this level again and it took me a few trys to win it.
This time the right brother got some of the 5-supply-area in the south and killed also one of the 20s.
I managed to get the northern side of the east shore and got also the +1supply island in the south and he was sneakin around on the west side without gettin 300 supply or so.
I chunked him with 0 supply areas on my side by putting 4 armies around him. So I got rid of him and I could get also the 5-SA very fast. Still defending the northern shore of the eastside.
Maybe you should try to let him get the southern westside and focus on the northern shore and backstab him without letting him get too deep in the eastside.
The Frenzy Lumberjack duo: 2019-07-21 19:19:09

Timinator • apex 
Level 67
just be faster with eliminating the right AI?
The Frenzy Lumberjack duo: 2019-07-21 19:22:08

Level 59
No way
The left brother will get +300 supply and you wont have enough armies to even beat the right brother this way
The Frenzy Lumberjack duo: 2019-07-22 04:31:28

Timinator • apex 
Level 67
you can kill off the left ai in 2-3 turns and move towards the right AI at the same time. so you can kill the right AI after 10/11 turns total.
The Frenzy Lumberjack duo: 2019-07-22 05:38:53

Level 31
Thank you for your help.
I won the level.
First turn: Put your 4 territories next to the left brother like this 5-6-6-5 and and move 1 army each to the left 5 and the two 6 fieds to defend them. Attack the the three fields of the left brother with the right 5 field then the next with both 6 fields and the last with the last 5 field. Gather 3 armies in direction to the right brother/ nothern passage.
Second turn: Kill the left brother by 7 and 11 armies. conquer the first field in the direction to the nothern passage.
Third and forth turn: "All in" Conquer the right side.
Fifth and sixth turn: Conquer the one supply island.
Rest turns: Conquer the fields of the right brother field by field.
I think: You must not loose an own field!! Then the right brother gets 300 supply.
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