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Ladder Squatting: 4/17/2012 15:17:17

Level 49
*...and an AWFUL lot of NSFW just flashed into their minds that day...*
Ladder Squatting: 4/17/2012 15:17:29

Level 49
I fairly regularly end up having to take turns after 2d+
I usually will take 2 turns right in a row, when applicable, but often times the sequence of events in the first turn will require more time then I am capable of applying at that time in planning etc, so I end up only taking one.
Some may vouch that I have surrendered earlier then I should have in hindsight, and near never *if ever* held the fort in a 1v1 I have clearly lost
Ladder Squatting: 4/17/2012 15:26:20

J Russell Mikkelsen 
Level 4
|> If you find the time to play one turn, you can also play two turns in a row... Name me one these players who consistenly only can play for 5 minutes every 3 days and cannot for the life of it play 10 minutes instead, and I shall stand corrected.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

What Diablo, and others like him are failing to consider is that not everyone's lives are structured like yours. Not everyone can make ten minutes. Not everyone takes only 5 minutes to play a turn.

There are days and weeks when my schedule is so full, that I have to find a few minutes here and there, in between appointments, to play a turn. If, after playing one turn in one game, I still have a couple minutes and think I can get another turn in, I'm going to play it in a different game so I can keep both my games moving.

And there are times where I have only one minute, and I'll take it to watch the previous turn. Then I have to leave again and I'll take the day to think about that game so I can figure out my next move by the time I have another free minute.

And I'm not the only one. Not everyone in the warlight community is a student. Not everyone prioritizes Warlight as highly as some. Maybe social life takes precedence, or family, or kids, or husbands (hahaha, like there are any women in here) or wives. Everyone has their own agenda and own schedule and own priorities.

Probably some players get upset when they see me post in the forums and not play my turns. But I can get away with posting in the forums at work because it looks like I'm working. But I can't play a turn.

Everyone has their own circumstances and because of that your uservoice idea will never be implemented. Fizzer wants to keep this game open to as many people as possible, not close off avenues to audiences.

In your games, try to give people the benefit of the doubt before you persecute them. It'll make everyone involved happier and reduce your own stress too.
Ladder Squatting: 4/17/2012 15:40:28

Level 54
|> A penalty for consistantly not taking your turns together might work though..

That option already exists (even if, as far as I can tell, it's rarely used): banking boot times.

|> In your games, try to give people the benefit of the doubt before you persecute them.

LOL, just in your games? Unless you happen to be a district attorney, that's a pretty good rule of thumb everywhere in life. :)
Ladder Squatting: 4/17/2012 15:50:22

Level 6
Aside from the natural inclination to slow when losing, there is another factor at work too. When a game is not going well (and I think I can rescue it), I will wait to take my turn until I have time to think through the moves. This might be in a day or two. When you are kicking someone around you can afford to be a little sloppy, but not if it is close.

That said, I fully agree that when it is clear you have lost, surrender. No reason to drag it out.
Ladder Squatting: 4/17/2012 15:57:45

NoobSchool (AHoL) • apex 
Level 59
I'm fully with J Russell Mikkelsen.

Sometimes I can't possibly make the time to play more than taking one of my turns every day or so. I'm a full time student (taking 21.5 credits), I bartend full time, and I'm assistant band director at a high school near me. Some times, I go from 5 am to 2 am teaching, then school, then bartending. It's improbable to think that lowering the limit, or punishing people, for having to deal with their lives would be a good solution.

Also, some people I know can't play on weekends, so they take their turn Friday night, and can't return until Monday. With the proposed plan that would mean they had to time their turns so they take two on Friday night, and if it is a crucial turn, then they could get sloppy and lose a game, because of this limit.

Just my $.02.
Ladder Squatting: 4/17/2012 15:58:51

Level 49
I totally agree with Mr. Mikkelsen here. Although I'm trying to at least make *some* turns in *some* of my ongoing games when I'm merrily spanning the forums like right now, I do not always *want* to make turns in all of my games.

Because some of them may happen to be in a decisive stage and I am not able to fully focus. Because I should actually focus on other things than WL. Or there's people around me. Or I am eating. Or whatever.
Ladder Squatting: 4/17/2012 16:07:27

Mother Wucky 
Level 56
Yes, thinking = good 4 sure! I'll take losing to a slow thinker over mauling a slow loser any day.

MWolfman, the spanker can be made with a modified two stroke weedeater engine and your choice of paddles (ping pong? two by fours? rainbow trout?) Of course it is cheaper and quicker to just ask your friends to do the wuppin, but then you'll have to call them at possibly inconvenient times, in my experience. I hope that helps.
Ladder Squatting: 4/17/2012 16:14:20

Mother Wucky 
Level 56
TJ: 1 day 12 hours to get pissed and jump around before sucking it up and taking the dread turn: I like that. It should go in the etiquitte book.
Ladder Squatting: 4/17/2012 16:28:01

Level 35
Hm, the better players take a long time to play turns, and don't play them in .30 like I do? That explains a lot. Thanks guys, I was starting to worry that I was mentally handicapped, but it turns out I am just impatient and relatively apathetic!
Ladder Squatting: 4/17/2012 16:36:15

Mother Wucky 
Level 56
haha, maybe better players are taking all that time because they have hired consultants. For sure it is never because they are hoarding their ladder positions.

I beleive at somepoint someone suggested a realtime ladder. Caveat that the logistics are nigh impossible - still a nice thought for the imaptient and the ADD. Count me in.
Ladder Squatting: 4/17/2012 16:42:35

Mother Wucky 
Level 56
I'd like to propose HHH as the studliest of ladder players. That mofo plays five games, always takes his turn, bows out when he's losing even if its against someone with 984, and thus his #5 is no squatting and all skill.
Ladder Squatting: 4/17/2012 17:22:21

Dr. TypeSomething 
Level 3
Sometimes you can't tell if somebody is "Ladder squatting" or not. I imagine I confuse the hell out a quick opponent. I go through waves when I can play a lot, and waves when I can't. So sometimes against a quick opponent I can play 10 moves a day. Sometimes I can play 3 moves a week. But for me it has nothing to do with my position on the ladder and everything to do with stuff in real life. And like most everybody else I take longer and play slower when I am losing. But yes, purposeful ladder manipulation does bug me.
Ladder Squatting: 4/17/2012 17:35:08

The Duke of Ben 
Level 55
I've played some games against Math Wolf recently, and he informed up front that he was likely to play infrequently and approach the boot timer. This has not bothered me at all, for several reasons.

1) He told me up front, so there's no guesswork. I can also increase my number of ladder games to compensate, if I want to.

2) He plays two turns when he plays one, so as to stall the least he can on his schedule.

3) He plays the same speed whether he is winning or losing, and is not trying to manipulate his scores.

On the other hand, I've played games where my opponent plays quickly until he hits a losing situation. But, he only slows down in our game, while posting on the forums, playing his other games, and making it clear that he's avoiding our game. Playing the min number of turns (1 per three days, rather than 2 per three days as per Math Wolf above) and refusing to surrender in an obviously losing situation really gets to me. If you also don't talk to me in chat about it, that's just making things worse.

I appreciate Diabolicus coming here and explaining what he was doing, because it's up front. And yeah, I know it sucks to be losing to someone rated lower than you, but that's how things work. HHH is a very good example of how to do things, and you can see the games where he surrendered to people rated way less than him, where stalling could get him back to first place.
Ladder Squatting: 4/17/2012 18:07:04

Mostly Harmless 
Level 60
Tell me more about those consultants Sheriff, you got me interested :)

To the point tough: I far from the fast player around (and I suck at realtime), and will occasionally wait a day or so before I play my next turn if a game is tricky, so I've got time to think of alternatives.

I have to agree with the overall sentiment in this thread: slowing down a clearly lost game just to maintain you ladder rank is kind of a low thing to do.
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