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Map Making Request: 2019-01-03 22:26:43

Roger de Flor
Level 28
I apologize if this is the wrong place for starting this thread, it's my first post on these forums.

To make a long story short, I run a history club at my high school, and at our last meeting we did a role playing diplomacy game for about 40 minutes (we basically projected a map of Europe in the 1700's on the whiteboard and used a marker to fill in everyone's attacks and stuff). Everyone had a lot of fun at that meeting and we'd like to continue the game, but we only have two 40 minute meetings per month and since we can't devote too much time to any one subject we had to move along. I haven't been playing warzone for too long but it immediately came to mind as a fun place where everyone could continue the game on their own time; this is where I need some help.

Basically I'd like for someone to make a map based exactly off the one in the link below (as that was the map that we had projected on the whiteboard to play on). I'd like for the bonuses to be relatively proportional to how much power those European countries had at the time (i.e., a state like Bavaria isn't more powerful than say, Russia) but it doesn't have to be perfect obviously. I'd also like for ALL of the Italian states (EXCEPT for Sardinia) to be neutral territories with 0 armies (I know that sounds weird but it was something we did at the meeting so I'd like for it to be recreated) . And finally, I'd like to know if there's any way someone could "send" the map to me and if there's any way I could make it a private game that I could invite the club members to once they create their accounts.

I know that's a lot to ask and if it's simply impossible then anyone can let me know so I can move along, however if it is possible and someone is willing to work with me on it I would greatly appreciate it. There's no "due date" for when I need the map so if anyone does decide to make it they'd have as much time as they need to make it. Thanks for you guys' time!

(This is the map that we used at the meeting, as I said above I'd like for all the Italian states [with the exception of Sardinia] to be neutral territories with 0 armies, also I don't want there to be any type of cards in the game)

Map Making Request: 2019-01-03 22:29:33

Level 59
any reward?
Map Making Request: 2019-01-03 22:35:42

Roger de Flor
Level 28
My undying respect and admiration :)

(In all seriousness I don't really have any money to spend on this if that's what you were referring to, idk if those "warzone coins" mean anything or not but if there was some way I could transfer those to you I would do it)
Map Making Request: 2019-01-03 22:43:09

Level 64
It's a big ask to do something like this for free, so you probably wont have anyone do it for you. You could always make it yourself, it's not difficult to learn how.
Map Making Request: 2019-01-03 22:48:48

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
Mapmaking is a tedious process. People are not normally willing to do it a gratis (They have their own projects). I know of a few you can pay in coins for them to make a map for you.

Or as bane said, try making it yourself. That's probably the best option tbh.

Edited 1/3/2019 22:51:03
Map Making Request: 2019-01-03 22:49:07

Roger de Flor
Level 28
I understand, thanks for letting me know what my expectations should be. Out of curiosity, what makes the map-making process for warzone so difficult (especially for maps that to the naked eye at least seem like they would be simplistic to make)? I saw another person talking about how difficult the process was on another one of my games so I'm just a little curious about it.

Also Aura Guardian that certainly would be nice; what's an estimate of the number of coins someone would charge for a map like the one above?

Edited 1/3/2019 22:50:26
Map Making Request: 2019-01-03 22:52:04

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
Give me an estimate of playing territories?
Map Making Request: 2019-01-03 22:52:48

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
The mapmaking process isn't difficult, its just time-consuming.
Map Making Request: 2019-01-03 22:55:29

Roger de Flor
Level 28
That makes sense, all art seems to be after all :)

And if by playing territories you mean how many territories should each state be divided into, just three (for example, Portugal would be divided into northern, southern, and central Portugal) for every state. That's how we did it at our club meeting so I would like it to be that way in the warzone map as well.

(With the exception of the Italian States, excluding Sardinia I'd like for all of those to only be one territory per state)

Edited 1/3/2019 22:56:29
Map Making Request: 2019-01-03 22:56:03

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
https://discordapp.com/invite/DHERfnT Here is the mapmaking discord. Its a great resource if you want to try to learn mapmaking yourself.

The thing about mapmaking is that you have to manually draw each territory, define each bonus, name all of them, and then work it through the warzone approval process. It adds up when you get much beyond 100 territories (which is a small map by warzone standards), so yea, it can take a fair bit of time to publish.
Map Making Request: 2019-01-03 22:59:04

Level 59
Exactly, only time-consuming once you know what to do. Which many will only be willing to give for money, as with everything, unless they want the map themselves.
Map Making Request: 2019-01-03 23:00:27

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
That seems like a fairly simple map. ~70 territories? A coin inquiry depends on the player and artistic detail of the map.
Map Making Request: 2019-01-03 23:05:46

Roger de Flor
Level 28
There doesn't need to be much artistic detail at all, as long as all the states are color coded so that you can tell the difference between them at a glance that would be awesome.

Also I forgot to mention, I'd like for the white spot in Germany that's not owned by Hanover, Saxony, or any of the other large Holy Roman states to also be one large neutral territory with 0 armies in it
Map Making Request: 2019-01-03 23:10:54

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
Also I forgot to mention, I'd like for the white spot in Germany that's not owned by Hanover, Saxony, or any of the other large Holy Roman states to also be one large neutral territory with 0 armies in it

0 neutral is a template setting, not a map setting. We don't control that.

Also, I myself can't give an exact answer on what other people will charge for making a map, that's up to the individual discretion of the mapmaker. For myself, I am in no position to be making maps right now to begin with (I have not made a map in over a year). If you want to figure out who is willing to charge for and for what amount, go to the mapmaking discord and ask around there.

Edited 1/3/2019 23:14:15
Map Making Request: 2019-01-03 23:19:48

Roger de Flor
Level 28
Ah, interesting. Unfortunately my computer doesn't seem to like that discord link (I've clicked on it two times and each time my web browser crashed lol) so I probably won't be able to make it myself. This map certainly doesn't have to be perfect (I know the club members will have fun on it no matter what) I was just wondering if there was any way at all someone would be willing to do it for a few hundred coins or so. I completely understand in advance if that simply can't be done (which is how I understand it to be right now) and I'd like to thank all of you who have replied for giving me so much helpful information on this, it's nice to get advice from people without them being sarcastic or rude about it :)

And thanks for letting me know Aura Guardian, I'll be sure to ask around on all my games if anyone would be willing to do it. Appreciate the advice man!

Edited 1/3/2019 23:21:25
Map Making Request: 2019-01-03 23:23:18

Aura Guardian 
Level 62

You should not rule out making a map yourself. See this tutorial on youtube. Ninjanic does a great job showing how to build a warzone map. Your map size is small, I think you could make something decent yourself in about a week.

What browser are you using? Seems odd discord would fail.

Edited 1/3/2019 23:24:45
Map Making Request: 2019-01-03 23:28:16

Roger de Flor
Level 28
Thanks, I'll definitely check it out. And google chrome but it's my computer not the browser, there are a lot of sites that won't work on ANY browser for some reason (steam for example!!)
Map Making Request: 2019-01-03 23:29:36

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
Firewall issue maybe?
Map Making Request: 2019-01-03 23:32:42

Roger de Flor
Level 28
Maybe, it's a really old computer that I inherited from my older brother. I've been wanting a new one for some time but like I said before I don't really have money available right now for things like that haha
Map Making Request: 2019-01-03 23:43:51

Level 59
Its not quite what you requested but maybe this map might do? https://www.warzone.com/SinglePlayer?PreviewMap=75450

I know its quite large and not just on Europe, but same time roughly
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