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[20] LEAGUE STANDINGS: 2012-03-20 18:12:56

Level 58

Each new season will have 4 maps: 1-2 familiar maps, 2-3 unfamiliar or less familiar maps. The best players are the best bc they can adjust to any map provided the settings have nothing special/crazy about them.

If you want a discussion, go ahead and invite people to a game to chat. Get a majority of votes for any map other than the ladder maps/settings and we can do that. If you can't get a majority or can't be bothered to be more active, I'll just pick from among the 16 maps that are worth using.
[20] LEAGUE STANDINGS: 2012-03-20 18:14:20

Level 60
Btw., those final non-rr tournaments, will they have seats (like in play-offs) or standard random 1st round?
[20] LEAGUE STANDINGS: 2012-03-20 18:15:31

Level 60
Also I can't invite more than 6 players into a game, so making a chat-game is possible for members only.
[20] LEAGUE STANDINGS: 2012-03-20 18:27:37

Level 58
Buy a membership then! lol

You mean seeds (Final Four: #4 vs #1, #3 vs #2)? That'd be cool. We could do that. Though I don't think it really matters, for a couple reasons. (1) Player 1 is good, my team or I beat him when he's an AI, you lose to him when he is not. I get a slightly better seed but might not deserve it. (2) Tournaments allow us all to see the results, have a chat feature, and have a few other benefits. (3) Who makes the games? Will they be made in a timely manner?
[20] LEAGUE STANDINGS: 2012-03-20 18:36:22

Level 58
Maybe HHH's name should look like this:

Heyheuhei# (10*^+)

* = Teammate or Self Is Often Booted or Limited Participation
^ = Joined strong teams to upset the team balance bc he didn't read the chat lol
# = HHH
+ = He smoked everyone in his 1v1 RR
[20] LEAGUE STANDINGS: 2012-03-20 18:37:17

Level 58
I guess # does special things and + does too...
[20] LEAGUE STANDINGS: 2012-03-20 18:51:42

Level 4
Can i join league B?
This looks interesting
[20] LEAGUE STANDINGS: 2012-03-20 19:07:40

Level 58
Lykus, 20 is for good/great players. Invite one of the top players to a game. Beat them 40% of the time and you're in. But don't invite me please. Based solely on your post-October stats (likely inflated from 10% to even 30% due to weak competition), I don't think you'd be especially competitive in League B.

Otherwise, myhand might let you join League Z.
[20] LEAGUE STANDINGS: 2012-03-20 21:15:13

Level 5
I'd love to be invited to whatever basement league is being considered, but not if it means having to hear from Lykus about how much he hates Christians.
[20] LEAGUE STANDINGS: 2012-03-20 21:35:40

Mostly Harmless 
Level 60
20 is really strict on who they let in. Only the best of the best are alllowed.
As an alternative, I'd say check if there'll be a new edition of proving grounds. The current tourney is nearing its end, and it helped me a lot with my games.
But the creator, emgzapper, has been inactive for a while, so I don't think there'll be a second season.
[20] LEAGUE STANDINGS: 2012-03-20 22:26:10

Level 4
Winning 40% against a top A-member would be competitive with group A...?

I've played a bunch of [20] members that apparently were in the B group. I don't know my exact win % but i could go look it up if you give me a list of all B group members.
[20] LEAGUE STANDINGS: 2012-03-20 22:39:08

Level 58
By 'top players' I mean guys who will be invited to season two's leagues. The first season's B League was a try-out for some: 20 had just started, there were open spots; not all will be invited to the second season. If you beat guys who will not be invited again it doesn't mean much.
[20] LEAGUE STANDINGS: 2012-03-20 22:41:21

Level 58
Szewen, do you feel the heat? I just got another win:

[WM] Szeweningen (12)
Richelieu (12)
Lobstrosity (11)
Unknownsoldier (11)
[20] LEAGUE STANDINGS: 2012-03-20 22:47:25

Level 4
How are season 2 B players going to be determined?
By beating a Top A player 40%? Then why isn't that person in A?
[20] LEAGUE STANDINGS: 2012-03-20 22:52:56

Level 60
Haha, you know I love good competition. Very nice of you to post those results, it'll give me more motivation for later games. It seems I have one less game finished though, so more pressure on you... #1 on both ladders and the founder... nobody expected me to claim the spot :)
[20] LEAGUE STANDINGS: 2012-03-20 23:01:20

Level 58
You aren't very good at the 2v2 map. So you have a good deal of pressure! lol The only pressure I have is to take the 1v1s a bit more seriously. But I predict you'll be knocked out of the single-elimination tournament early, so I won't have to care about that!
[20] LEAGUE STANDINGS: 2012-03-20 23:04:06

Level 60
Lykus, of course who is in which league will not be always objective and most [20] players were voted in or just invited. The thing is most good players play with and know each other. Most players in [20] are tournament veterans and those who choose who to let in and who are not invited will always be biased. You are welcome to invite me to a best of 5 game (preferably standard strat 1vs1, but any setting that gives enough strategic options will do), we will see what happens after that. I'm sure it's nothing personal, Gui just has a few names in mind, I also would have some suggestions so there is no way to know every good player in the warlight community. I am more than sure that if you beat me Gui will reconsider.
[20] LEAGUE STANDINGS: 2012-03-20 23:08:38

Level 60
@Gui, I hope I get you in my first round match (if you scored place 1-4 in 1vs1 league) :)
[20] LEAGUE STANDINGS: 2012-03-20 23:48:14

Level 58
* (remove) [20] AquaHolic [WarLight Member]
* (remove) [20]BishesUpInErr
* (remove) [20]Dariush
* (remove) [20]ken hai (idle for 5 days 8 hours)
* (remove) [20]Wini (idle for 10 days 10 hours)
* (remove) [GeZyS] GMC
* (remove) [REGL/20/WM] Mentysh The TagMaster [WarLight Member]
* (remove) [REGL/X] MilitaryManiact27 [WarLight Member]
* (remove) [WM/X] Mek Blaze [WarLight Member]
* (remove) [WM] Artham [WarLight Member]
* (remove) [WM] czajnik
* (remove) [WM] Dazed & Insane [WarLight Member]
* (remove) [WM] NoobSchool [WarLight Member]
* (remove) [WM] Ottarinn
* (remove) [WM] Pershing [WarLight Member]
* (remove) [WM] Red [WarLight Member]
* (remove) [WM] szeweningen
* (remove) [X] Jinxed
* (remove) [x] rosston
* (remove) [x]Cluster
* (remove) [ZBEK/44] San-Sayan [WarLight Member]
* (remove) [中国阳朔] V [WarLight Member]
* (remove) [中国阳朔]Chaos [WarLight Member]
* (remove) ☾✯ Salah ad-Din ☾✯
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* (remove) Waya [WarLight Member]
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* (remove) Ye Olde English (idle for 7 days 5 hours)
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* (remove) ρωη | tгσςкєгz [WarLight Member]
* (remove) ρωη | мαятιη [WarLight Member]
* (remove) 大哥 the Offender [WarLight Member]
[20] LEAGUE STANDINGS: 2012-03-20 23:51:25

Level 58
108 people. I will invite them all to [20]'s second season. About 40% or so will decline the invitation for a variety of reasons (too busy, too many games, only play real-time, afraid to compete against strong players, dislike me, only know how to play 1-2 maps well, dislike RRs, etc.).

Who did I miss?
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