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Alexander's World (335 - 275 BC): 2018-12-14 09:59:47

Level 57
Hello all!

Almost done with my map, featuring Alexander the Great's conquest of Persia and the civil war amongst his successors after his death.
I'll be working on the finishing touches (mostly aesthetics, distributions, etc.) so I'm open to any and all feedback or suggestions!
If anyone is interested in a test game, let me know too.

Many thanks in advance!

Alexander's World (335 - 275 BC): 2018-12-14 11:30:14

Level 49
das pretty nice
Alexander's World (335 - 275 BC): 2018-12-14 14:29:54

Level 59
It is good but quite hard to click on the superbonuses ??
Alexander's World (335 - 275 BC): 2018-12-14 14:49:40

Level 57
That's true. I'm working on an easier way. Thanks!
Alexander's World (335 - 275 BC): 2018-12-14 16:09:05

Level 61
"Uzbeks" anywhere on the map is 1000+ years too early, and Roxolani also appeared centuries later. :P
Alexander's World (335 - 275 BC): 2018-12-14 16:26:05

Level 57
Oops, the Uzbeks is indeed a gross mistake.
I was under the impression the origins of the Roxolani are mostly unknown - we've only heard of them around the first century BC, but they were probably around long before that?
Alexander's World (335 - 275 BC): 2018-12-14 18:36:08

Level 61
Roxolans were just one of the Sarmatian tribes, like Alans or Serbs. In Alexander's time there were Scythian tribes in these areas instead, like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamaxobii or https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aorsi . :P
Alexander's World (335 - 275 BC): 2018-12-14 18:56:12

Level 57
Yeah, I've got the Sarmatians around too, but had to group them together with the Scythians in a big Scythia bonus. I'd say it was more "there were Scythian tribes in these areas too" than instead

There's plenty of Scythian tribes to choose from, so if you think that's a better option than the Roxolani, I'll gladly take your word for it.
It's hard to pin them down to a specific location anyway, since there was a lot of migration going on in this time (and, y'know, nomads), so I don't think anyone will be offended if I shuffle a bit.

I'll see who I can dig up (the two you linked I already have - the Hamaxobii lived in maeotia and the Aorsi are/came before the Alans)

Edit: Voila. That should do it. It has Herodotus as source, so it's of questionable accuracy, but hey, what isn't.
Thanks again! (I'll keep you in mind if I ever have new Scythia-related questions!)

Edited 12/14/2018 19:00:23
Alexander's World (335 - 275 BC): 2018-12-14 20:10:44

Level 49
Don't forget to add the remains of the hyperwar
Alexander's World (335 - 275 BC): 2018-12-14 22:19:54

Level 57
you should consider adding some colour and 3d aesthetics to the grey areas. a grey spot saying "caucus mountains" is really underwhelming. great map tho, inv if you need testers.
Alexander's World (335 - 275 BC): 2018-12-14 22:39:34

Level 61
Yeah, I've got the Sarmatians around too, but had to group them together with the Scythians in a big Scythia bonus.

It likely would all be called a Scythia by the ancients anyway. :P

I'd say it was more "there were Scythian tribes in these areas too" than instead

Well, Sarmatians were just the one tile on thy map in 4th century, so not the area I was talking about. :P

Good changes, thanks. Will be a nice map. :)

Edited 12/14/2018 22:39:48
Alexander's World (335 - 275 BC): 2018-12-15 11:43:45

Level 57
you should consider adding some colour and 3d aesthetics to the grey areas. a grey spot saying "caucus mountains" is really underwhelming. great map tho, inv if you need testers.

Sure, I can give that a try.
I wanted to keep it simple and clear (cluttering maps is a weakness of mine), but it can't hurt to try and then compare.
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