Should single parents be allowed to adopt?: 2018-12-02 15:56:00 |
Level 59
A topic that I'm taking up for my college speech. I know most people here would probably argue that single parenting is fine.
I have to be a contrarian and argue that single parents should not be allowed to adopt, and give reasons as to why I believe that is. I will argue that two parents splits the financial/nurturing burden between two, creating less stress for parent and more time for child to be with a parent.
Does anyone have any good arguments in favor of or even against my stance? I really wanna get this done. I'm going to have to find PDF files and videos I could potentially use as a source, tough stuff with so little time.
Edited 12/2/2018 15:57:48
Should single parents be allowed to adopt?: 2018-12-02 16:39:03 |
Level 61
many criminals come from fatherless homes
Should single parents be allowed to adopt?: 2018-12-02 17:30:45 |
Level 45
not enough time to care for the kid, you gotta work to many money most likely, you will be broke af as a single parent. not a good idea to adopt when you can't afford it.
and lastly, get a dog or bunny, 100x better
Should single parents be allowed to adopt?: 2018-12-02 17:33:47 |
Level 54
Dont you have to prove you can care for the child to adopt? The reason most single-parent-households end up with shitty kids is cause they aren't really able to adequately care for the child, because they weren't expecting to be a single parent household.
Should single parents be allowed to adopt?: 2018-12-02 17:35:47 |
Level 45
yeah but what if you can care when you get approved and later you lose the job
as a single parent, you can't care for the kid anymore
Should single parents be allowed to adopt?: 2018-12-02 17:42:57 |
The Last Kiss
Level 55
"Does anyone have any good arguments in favor of or even against my stance?"
It's not even arguable that your stance is terrible.
There are 438,000 children in foster homes in America alone waiting for people to adopt them.
It doesn't even matter if it is better to have two parents than to have one. It's better to have one than to live in a foster home.
Making it harder to adopt leads to fewer people being adopted and more people remaining in foster care.
Edited 12/2/2018 17:45:17
Should single parents be allowed to adopt?: 2018-12-02 19:12:32 |
Not Tito
Level 58
possible but why would you want to deny a child the concept of mum n dad
Should single parents be allowed to adopt?: 2018-12-02 19:25:18 |
Level 57
Nauzhror is correct, although a single parent home is not as stable as a complete home, it is still much better than foster care. More kids getting adopted also means funds are not stretched super thin among the large number of foster kids.
Should single parents be allowed to adopt?: 2018-12-02 21:45:54 |
Level 58
Once upon a time, it took brains and competitive advantages to survive long enough to breed. The smarter people had more kids, advancing the species.
Now the opposite is true, the people with fewer brain cells are often the ones outbreeding the smarter ones. This is how a species' retrogression occurs, and it will get worse before it gets better.
Should single parents be allowed to adopt?: 2018-12-03 03:46:17 |
Level 47
Is it better for children to be raised in foster care or to a single adoptive mother? That's the question you should be asking. Single mothers are rarely ever financially independent, they are almost always terrible people, and so there are also adverse psychological consequences in children commonly associated with being raised to single mothers.