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Warlight: Evolution discussion general: 2018-11-18 22:17:02

Level 49
If you want your roleplay to be better recognized, post here. If you have questions, post here. if you want to talk about changes or ideas or anything related to the game, post here.

Current game: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=17492759

Edited 1/7/2019 16:01:01
Warlight: Evolution discussion general: 2018-11-18 22:29:58

Level 49
Google doc detailing the history of the alternative universe
To suggest edits, click on the upper right corner that says "viewing", and switch to "suggesting", and then start to add things. It is up to the owners of the doc to allow these edits or to deny them. Please use it responsibly.
Warlight: Evolution discussion general: 2018-11-18 23:01:28

Level 56
The Northern Wei Dynasty continue their rule over China, they almost beat Zhou Dynasty for the longest living Chinese Dynasty in history, they are also well known for recovering China from a series of civil wars since the later part of the Han Dynasty (Pre-Three Kingdoms era is definitely my personal favorite era in Chinese History), as of 1200, their religions are Buddhism and Taoism, they have both Han-Chinese and Non-Han-Chinese lived there, with an total of 70
million people, and their capital is in Luoyang
Edit: I officially changed to 70 million since I did checked the chat from the last game that I participated about the official number of people in China that I said

Edited 11/19/2018 23:33:41
Warlight: Evolution discussion general: 2018-11-19 00:49:39

Level 49
7 billion people

please be realistic
Warlight: Evolution discussion general: 2018-11-19 00:56:38

Level 56
Ok, maybe 100 million since by 1200, it’s approximately that amount
Edit: I checked in the last game that I participate in and I said it is 70 million so I’ll go with that, just that I forgot how many people that I said

Edited 11/19/2018 23:28:06
Warlight: Evolution discussion general: 2018-11-19 06:47:01

Erate Deight
Level 60
The Burmese kingdom of Bagan is very religiously focused. wishing to unite all Buddhists and defend their faith, king Anawrahta Minsaw conquered most of Burma and founded the Bagan kingdom. The areas of the Irrawaddy delta and Pegu in the south form the region of Mon, And the areas of Nuijiang and Lincang in the north form the region of Dali, both ruled by Sahkains chosen by the king.

Capital: Bagan/Pagan

Official Religion: Theravada Buddhism

Population: ~175000

Official Languages: Burmese (Formal), Pyu (Informal), Mon (In the south), Pāli (Religious), Bai (In the north).

Largest Cities : Bagan/Pagan (Mandalay) (Capital), Mrauk U (Naypyitaw) (Major port), Pegu/Bago (Panthein) (Capital of Mon region), And Dali (Nuijiang) (Capital of Dali region), Sandoway (Naypyitaw) (Mining town).

Edited 11/21/2018 18:57:58
Warlight: Evolution discussion general: 2018-11-19 21:52:00

Level 58

Link for all mentions of Scythia throughout every single WZE V2 game.

Scythia is an empire spanning from Silesia to Siberia with many diverse cultures, such as Jews, Byzantines, Turks, Sarmatians, Hephthalites, Avars, Magyars, Turks, Poles, Dacians, Persians, and many more, but the majority of the population are Skoloti (Scythian). The cavalry of Scythia is unrivaled by any nation (except perhaps by the Mongols) and Scythia has more horses than any other nation in the world.

Scythia's largest cities are Neapolis (Saratov), the ancient capital, cultural capital, and most populous city; Napit (Sevastopol), the new capital and largest port on the Black Sea other than Byzantium; Akrossos (Constanti), a large port and military hub; Gelonus (Donetsk), a river port that is critical for trade; Tomi (Atyrau), the capital of the region of Massagetaea and main Caspian port of Scythia; Old Odesa (Kherson) and New Odessa (Odessa), two port cities that are important in transportation and trade to Extreme and Lesser Scythia; Roxanaki (Varna), a large fortress which marks the Southern limit of Scythia's Black Sea holdings; Krako (Kraków), the Westernmost city of Scythia; Maghas (Stravopol), regional capital of Old Avaria; and Talas (Taraz) the Easternmost city of Scythia that was founded by the Hephthalites.
Warlight: Evolution discussion general: 2018-11-19 22:06:11

Level 49
Excuse me but what the fuck
Warlight: Evolution discussion general: 2018-11-20 00:06:18

Mista Sista
Level 57
Looks like I need to get working on a new History of Carthage, to dispel some of these Scythian lies! ;)
Warlight: Evolution discussion general: 2018-11-20 04:58:14

Level 58
Map of Scythia and surroundings in 1200 A.D.

Warlight: Evolution discussion general: 2018-11-20 05:26:49

Level 57
Invite me. I love to roleplay and won't get booted. I make scenarios myself too.
Warlight: Evolution discussion general: 2018-11-20 15:31:52

Level 49
no flatties allowed
Warlight: Evolution discussion general: 2018-11-22 18:00:33

Level 58
(For context, a Siamese delegation was visiting Scythia in their tour of the West)

In Neapolis, Emperor Skunkha has prepared a grand feast for the Siamese. Never before has someone from so far away visited the Great City of Neapolis. The feast has the highest of guests invited, including the Emperor himself, his presumptive heir, the 8-year-old Ateas, his daughter, the 16-year-old Tomyris, the governors of most districts, the High Dastur of the Greatest Dar-e-Mehr in the World, the field marshal Savmakos, and many more. The ambassadors are to be served the finest fermented mare's milk, the heartiest of stallion steaks, and the most pungent side of quark.

The feast was marvelous, with the Siamese informing the highest-ranking Scythians of Buddhism, Southeast Asia and its history, their military, and most importantly their mission to learn the military doctrine of Scythia. For this purpose, Marshal Savmakos agreed to teach the delegation the ways of Scythian cavalry, military doctrine, and the tactics used dating back to Spargapises and Zorsines.

After the High Dastur, Marshal Savmakos and other non-nobles left, the Emperor, his two children, and the highest nobility partook in the smoking of cannabis, a Scythian drug that is commonly used, with the Siamese men. However, this friendly gesture was cut short by an attempt on Skunkha I’s life. Count Savlius and other nobles took advantage of the lack of guards due to the intimacy of the activity to try to kill the Emperor and his heirs to gain control of the throne of Scythia and revert the centralization that weakened their powers. While they managed to strike Skunkha and his son, Ateas, Tomyris dodged the onslaught. She banded with a few loyal nobles and especially the two Siamese men, who were less high than the others due to only trying a bit of alcohol and cannabis as they were on a mission. Together, the loyalists overpowered the orchestrators of the coup and murdered them.

Emperor Skunkha was heavily wounded, with an arrow penetrating his eye and another entering his left shoulder, but he was more fortunate than his son. Ateas, the heir presumptive, was killed after being struck by 16 arrows in a variety of places. He was only 8 years old. With this, Tomyris is the sole heiress to the throne and the presumed successor to Skunkha.

With medical attention from the Siamese, the Emperor’s life is saved, although his left eye was lost and his left arm left crippled. Due to their bravery, the Emperor has offered the Siamese gentlemen Count Savlius’ title as Count of Tomi. The Empire of Scythia mourns the lost prince, but celebrates the heroics of Princess Tomyris and the Siamese delegates.
Warlight: Evolution discussion general: 2018-11-22 18:31:00

Level 49
those savages
Warlight: Evolution discussion general: 2018-11-27 11:53:19

Level 49
Gunpowder weapons are introduced to europe
Warlight: Evolution discussion general: 2018-11-28 03:38:07

Level 58
Scythian members of the Scythian and Siamese East India Company (ΣΣΚΟΙ) that was flown during
the capture of Halmahera. This became the basis for the flag of the ΣΣΚΟΙ and later inspired the designs of the national flags of Scythia.

The colors are said to be based off of the coat of arms of the Atean Dynasty, which was later the basis of the subsequent Imperial dynasties' coats of arms.

In the folk legend of the Scythians, however, the white represents the piety and devotion to Zoroastrianism of the Scythians, the red represents the blood spilled in the defense of the motherland, and the black represents the fertile soil of the Ra (Volga) and Silys (Don) rivers, which serve as the two arteries of Scythia.
Warlight: Evolution discussion general: 2018-12-12 02:32:37

Level 49
Please discuss the technologies, socioeconomics, and trade in this era
Warlight: Evolution discussion general: 2018-12-12 02:41:25

Level 49
Serfdom began because of the disunity of the roman empire
Serfdom ended because of the plague

I think it is safe to say that serfdom still continues for all of the known world. And that technologies such as the telescope and measuring tools exist from """"Relative"""" eras of """Peace""". But introduction of gunpowder and spices is late because in-game "European" trade/exploration culture grew from prosperity, not necessity and competition (like irl), therefore it came later than expected. There was no need to rush things when dominant powers have ruled the Mediterranean for so long. Currently, an age equivalent to the age of exploration is in fashion. However, the black plague is inevitable, and it would be interesting to see the turn of affairs from the upcoming cataclysm.

Got any ideas as to how it might play out? (so far asia is business as usual, except for a semi-forced relationship between scythia and "khmer", so I am mostly focusing on the european and near eastern perspective)

Sorry if this seemed rushed, I wanted to post this before I went to bed.

Edited 12/12/2018 02:52:29
Warlight: Evolution discussion general: 2018-12-12 07:40:03

Erate Deight
Level 60
The kingdom of Bagan (Burma/Myanmar) has developed high defence yet relatively light-weight elephant armour by mixing small amounts of Aarine (Aluminum) into steel, Allowing for armoured elephants to move faster. Elephant cavalry makes up a large part of the Bagani army.
Warlight: Evolution discussion general: 2018-12-12 21:45:03

Level 49
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