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Seasonal ladder top performers [2]: 2018-11-12 07:01:49

Level 64
Sometime back, I did an analysis on the top performers in the seasonal ladder. Since we have more data, I thought I'd refresh the stats.

I'll post my findings by different metrics. The lists below are computed with these assumptions/ pre-requisites
  • This includes data from 32 seasons before the current one (the FFA season[X] is excluded).
  • To appear on a list, a player must have been ranked top 50 in at least 5 seasons.
  • Only considers your top 50 ranks(while computing your mean rank)
  • All lists(except mean rank) contain the number of times a player has ranked in that top N category. They are also sorted in descending order.
  • The mean rank list is sorted in ascending order.

  • Ruthless Bastard needs to come out of retirement! He has been overtaken on many of the leader boards and is on the verge of losing top spot on the Top 10 and Top 5 boards as well.
  • I have 3 seasonal wins. Three active players [MoD, timon, Rento] are in hot pursuit with 2 wins each.
  • The Top 1, 3 and 5 boards are still heavily dominated by the old guard. The newer crop of players need to work harder to make a dent!
  • Edge is one of the most consistent top 5 finishers since the last update. He needs to aim for podium finishes next.
  • ACL Tears has matched Math Wolf's twenty-three Top 50 finishes! Of the currently active players, Timinator is the closest with 17 finishes.

Link to the previous thread - https://www.warzone.com/Forum/271900-seasonal-ladder-top-performers
Where do you rank today and how do you compare against your record from five seasons ago?

Edited 11/12/2018 07:45:25
Seasonal ladder top performers [2]: 2018-11-12 07:01:54

Level 64
Deadman 3
timon92 2
master of desaster 2
Rento 2
Heyheuhei 1
Fizzer 1
fatality 1
Ruthless Bastard 1
Latnox 1
Krzysztof 1
JV 1
Verzehrer 1
Master Jz 1
Buns157 1
USA Biches 1
MisterT 1

Edited 11/12/2018 07:03:02
Seasonal ladder top performers [2]: 2018-11-12 07:01:57

Level 64
Top 2
Deadman 6
Ruthless Bastard 5
master of desaster 5
timon92 3
fatality 2
Krzysztof 2
Rento 2
Master Jz 2
MisterT 2
Summer 2
Tenshi 2
Heyheuhei 1
Fizzer 1
Latnox 1
JV 1
Verzehrer 1
Buns157 1
USA Biches 1
13CHRIS37 1
TeddyFSB 1
ACL Tears 1
FlyingBender 1
alhazi 1

Edited 11/12/2018 07:03:34
Seasonal ladder top performers [2]: 2018-11-12 07:02:00

Level 64
Top 3
Deadman 7
Ruthless Bastard 6
master of desaster 5
fatality 4
13CHRIS37 4
timon92 3
Verzehrer 3
alhazi 3
Krzysztof 2
Rento 2
Master Jz 2
Buns157 2
MisterT 2
TeddyFSB 2
ACL Tears 2
Summer 2
FlyingBender 2
Tenshi 2
The Window Cleaner 2
Heyheuhei 1
Fizzer 1
Latnox 1
JV 1
USA Biches 1
TheWarlightMaster 1
Mike |GG| 1
Dom365 1
Darkpie 1
dunga • apex 1
rakleader 1

Edited 11/12/2018 07:04:15
Seasonal ladder top performers [2]: 2018-11-12 07:02:02

Level 64
Top 5
Ruthless Bastard 7
master of desaster 7
Deadman 7
timon92 6
fatality 5
Timinator • apex 5
Master Jz 4
13CHRIS37 4
Tenshi 4
alhazi 4
Krzysztof 3
Verzehrer 3
Buns157 3
MisterT 3
TeddyFSB 3
FlyingBender 3
The Window Cleaner 3
Edge 3
Fizzer 2
Rento 2
ACL Tears 2
Summer 2
Mike |GG| 2
Heyheuhei 1
Latnox 1
JV 1
USA Biches 1
TheWarlightMaster 1
Dom365 1
Darkpie 1
dunga • apex 1
rakleader 1
Math Wolf 1
Hroptatyr 1
[WM] Anonymous 1
[WM] Old Surehand 1
his balls. 1
Oh Noes 1
almosttricky 1
Master Bjarke 1
smileyleg 1
Jackie Treehorn 1

Edited 11/12/2018 07:04:56
Seasonal ladder top performers [2]: 2018-11-12 07:02:04

Level 64
Top 10
Ruthless Bastard 13
master of desaster 12
Timinator • apex 12
13CHRIS37 9
fatality 8
Deadman 8
ACL Tears 8
timon92 7
Buns157 6
Tenshi 6
alhazi 6
Master Jz 5
The Window Cleaner 5
Mike |GG| 5
Fizzer 4
Krzysztof 4
MisterT 4
Summer 4
TheWarlightMaster 4
Edge 4
Heyheuhei 3
Rento 3
JV 3
Verzehrer 3
TeddyFSB 3
FlyingBender 3
Darkpie 3
rakleader 3
smileyleg 3
Ko 3
Beren • apex 3
Latnox 2
USA Biches 2
dunga • apex 2
Math Wolf 2
[WM] Anonymous 2
[WM] Old Surehand 2
almosttricky 2
Master Bjarke 2
Jackie Treehorn 2
bytjie 2
Ineffable 2
Phaeril 2
Dom365 1
Hroptatyr 1
his balls. 1
Oh Noes 1
fwiw 1
NoobSchool (AHoL) • apex 1
Jorgst 1
Frankdeslimste • apex 1
tartan1314 1
Vendetta 1
EZPickens 1
BraaK 1
GreenTea 1
ps 1
dodo comander 1
Hunta 1
Kerékgyártó Zoltán 1
Pardon99 1

Edited 11/12/2018 07:05:32
Seasonal ladder top performers [2]: 2018-11-12 07:02:07

Level 64
Top 25
ACL Tears 17
Timinator • apex 16
Ruthless Bastard 15
master of desaster 15
Math Wolf 15
timon92 14
13CHRIS37 14
Krzysztof 12
alhazi 11
rakleader 10
fatality 9
JV 9
Master Jz 9
Buns157 9
Mike |GG| 9
Fizzer 8
Deadman 8
FlyingBender 8
Tenshi 8
Master Bjarke 8
NoobSchool (AHoL) • apex 8
Vendetta 8
Summer 7
The Window Cleaner 7
[WM] Old Surehand 7
EZPickens 7
Botanator 7
TheWarlightMaster 6
Oh Noes 6
Jackie Treehorn 6
fwiw 6
Frankdeslimste • apex 6
Heyheuhei 5
MisterT 5
TeddyFSB 5
Hroptatyr 5
Edge 5
bytjie 5
tartan1314 5
Anakin Chigurh 5
ChrisCMU 5
Guriga 5
Latnox 4
USA Biches 4
Darkpie 4
dunga • apex 4
[WM] Anonymous 4
smileyleg 4
Beren • apex 4
Ineffable 4
Phaeril 4
Pardon99 4
[WM] Nord 4
[Bajtan] nightfly 4
Arkanton 4
fireice82 4
Rento 3
Verzehrer 3
his balls. 3
Ko 3
BraaK 3
GreenTea 3
ps 3
dodo comander 3
davidhmtk 3
Mirror 3
ultimaratio 3
Grinche 3
Muli 3
Mr. Z. 3
roque_nacho 3
Dom365 2
almosttricky 2
Jorgst 2
Kerékgyártó Zoltán 2
MilitaryManiac 2
Andersault 2
JimH 2
Suschel 2
Hunta 1
00Dev 1
lawm 1
Mentysh 1
Willow 1
Général Charles De Gaulle 1
King Leonidas 1
Nynwhen 1
linberson 1

Edited 11/12/2018 07:06:14
Seasonal ladder top performers [2]: 2018-11-12 07:02:10

Level 64
Top 50
ACL Tears 23
Math Wolf 23
Vendetta 18
Ruthless Bastard 17
Timinator • apex 17
timon92 16
master of desaster 16
13CHRIS37 16
Botanator 16
Krzysztof 15
JV 15
EZPickens 15
FlyingBender 13
Dom365 13
tartan1314 13
alhazi 12
Mike |GG| 12
Oh Noes 12
Master Bjarke 12
Jackie Treehorn 12
Fizzer 11
rakleader 11
[WM] Old Surehand 11
NoobSchool (AHoL) • apex 11
Ko 11
Frankdeslimste • apex 11
fatality 10
Master Jz 10
smileyleg 10
ChrisCMU 10
Deadman 9
Buns157 9
Tenshi 9
The Window Cleaner 9
Beren • apex 9
[WM] Nord 9
Arkanton 9
roque_nacho 9
Summer 8
Mirror 8
Général Charles De Gaulle 8
fireice82 8
Diabolicus 8
his balls. 7
Edge 7
fwiw 7
Jorgst 7
BraaK 7
Hunta 7
00Dev 7
MilitaryManiac 7
Anakin Chigurh 7
Andersault 7
davidhmtk 7
ultimaratio 7
[Bajtan] nightfly 7
Grinche 7
Guriga 7
farragut 7
Heyheuhei 6
Latnox 6
Verzehrer 6
USA Biches 6
MisterT 6
TheWarlightMaster 6
Hroptatyr 6
ps 6
dodo comander 6
lawm 6
King Leonidas 6
Bigchps147 6
vicnus 6
Nemo 6
Rento 5
TeddyFSB 5
Darkpie 5
dunga • apex 5
[WM] Anonymous 5
almosttricky 5
bytjie 5
Ineffable 5
GreenTea 5
Phaeril 5
Kerékgyártó Zoltán 5
Pardon99 5
Mentysh 5
JimH 5
Willow 5
Muli 5
Mr. Z. 5
Nynwhen 5
linberson 5
Suschel 5
[REGL] Pooh 5
Pushover 5
Furacão.BR 5

Edited 11/12/2018 07:06:49
Seasonal ladder top performers [2]: 2018-11-12 07:02:13

Level 64
Avg Rank
Deadman 5
TeddyFSB 7
fatality 8
Buns157 8
Ruthless Bastard 9
master of desaster 9
Tenshi 10
TheWarlightMaster 10
Timinator • apex 10
Master Jz 11
MisterT 12
13CHRIS37 12
alhazi 12
Summer 13
Darkpie 13
Phaeril 13
timon92 14
The Window Cleaner 14
Edge 14
dunga • apex 15
bytjie 15
Heyheuhei 16
[WM] Anonymous 16
Fizzer 17
Krzysztof 17
Rento 17
USA Biches 17
ACL Tears 17
rakleader 17
Ineffable 17
Mike |GG| 18
fwiw 18
Hroptatyr 19
JV 20
Verzehrer 21
FlyingBender 21
Math Wolf 21
Master Bjarke 21
dodo comander 21
NoobSchool (AHoL) • apex 22
Pardon99 22
Anakin Chigurh 22
Latnox 23
[WM] Old Surehand 23
smileyleg 23
Jackie Treehorn 23
ps 23
his balls. 24
Oh Noes 24
Beren • apex 24
GreenTea 24
Mr. Z. 24
Guriga 24
almosttricky 26
Frankdeslimste • apex 26
ChrisCMU 26
Arkanton 26
Muli 26
fireice82 26
Vendetta 27
[WM] Nord 27
[Bajtan] nightfly 27
Jorgst 28
BraaK 28
Botanator 28
Willow 28
roque_nacho 28
Suschel 28
EZPickens 29
Kerékgyártó Zoltán 29
Mirror 29
Grinche 29
Mentysh 30
MilitaryManiac 30
tartan1314 31
ultimaratio 31
Ko 32
Dom365 33
Hunta 33
00Dev 33
Andersault 33
JimH 33
davidhmtk 33
Nynwhen 34
lawm 35
Pushover 36
vicnus 36
Diabolicus 37
[REGL] Pooh 37
farragut 38
Nemo 38
Général Charles De Gaulle 39
King Leonidas 39
linberson 40
Bigchps147 40
Furacão.BR 42

Edited 11/12/2018 07:07:17
Seasonal ladder top performers [2]: 2018-11-12 07:39:30

master of desaster 
Level 66
Yaaayy ladder analysis <3
I played on more seasonals than i thought...
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