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Can you use a bomb card while diplo is active?: 2018-10-29 06:25:35

Level 54
If a diplomacy card is active between you and another player, can you use a bomb card on that player? Will it work?
Can you use a bomb card while diplo is active?: 2018-10-30 03:40:49

Mista Sista
Level 57
Try it on a single player map
Can you use a bomb card while diplo is active?: 2018-10-30 07:33:48

Level 54
I can't since bomb card is member only. A game that I'm in has bomb cards because the creator of the game has membership.
Can you use a bomb card while diplo is active?: 2018-10-30 08:21:36

Level 63
Will test tonight
Can you use a bomb card while diplo is active?: 2018-10-30 16:13:01

Level 60
you are able to use any cards against anyone no matter what cards are played. So that includes bomb and sanction!
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