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[REQ] Make clan forums easily accessible via phone: 2018-08-30 15:16:05

Level 58
If this thread should be in clans, I am sorry, but it is a request thread.

As those of you who know me know, I am in a lot of clans, and they all have the same issue. The clan forums are not noticed, so pretty much every clan I am in has very inactive forums. Because of this, distributing information to all members is difficult unless they are all being messaged directly in mail (but sending bulk mails to all clan members is time consuming, particularly when you are in a very large clan with 50+ members).

I learned that the majority of Warlight players are playing via phone, as opposed to their laptops and desktops, and I have heard a bunch of players tell me it is difficult to find the clan forum on mobile, and as a result I can tell you that the vast majority of players in most clans are not using their clan's forum, with many having no idea even how to access it in the first place. To me as a clan leader, this is a bit of a problem because there is information I want to send to my players on almost a daily basis, and the only way they will ever read it is if I send them direct messages.

So it would be a nice fix if clan forums were a more advertised, easier to access, and more prominent feature in WL. This would help clans very much, and it would make information easier to spread across entire clans. So my suggestion right now, is maybe we can make it so that players have the option to be alerted via inbox when a new clan thread has been made, and they can be redirected. That way they will be able to post directly on that thread, which would save clan leaders like myself a lot of time in sending many bulk-mails regularly to all players. I hope Fizzer reads this thread and tells me his thoughts on it, and the community as well. Thanks for reading.

Edit: Also if someone has a link to uservoice, that can help, if Fizzer does not see this thread, or if upvotes are needed to show support.

Edited 8/30/2018 15:17:54
[REQ] Make clan forums easily accessible via phone: 2018-08-30 15:19:30

Level 61
I agree.

Something needs to be done for the clan forum and Teddiursa's suggestion is a good one.
[REQ] Make clan forums easily accessible via phone: 2018-08-30 15:20:04

Sakata Gintoki
Level 58
[REQ] Make clan forums easily accessible via phone: 2018-08-30 23:34:38

Level 63
I’ll extend https://bookmarkify.it/10761 to include your proposed sugesstions such as having the ability to PM your entire clan.
If you think of many more ideas, let me know.
[REQ] Make clan forums easily accessible via phone: 2018-08-30 23:42:39

Level 60
DanWL, your suggestion (PM entire clan feature) is the best suggestion on this thread. That would solve this problem, as I said, since sending bulk mail to all members of the clan is a lot more difficult, and your suggestion is less complicated than the suggestion I made on Teddiursa. I really think that this would help a lot of clans quite a lot, especially clans that have a lot of activities together. Thank you for the help. :)

Edited 8/30/2018 23:46:39
[REQ] Make clan forums easily accessible via phone: 2018-08-31 00:10:33

The Furious Logan
Level 27
yea i get what your saying i will post something and it will have no replys for days(this is also because my clan has 7 players)

yes a fix is in need however a (PM entire clan feature) would make my and may other players mail get spammed with reply's and could make players not use it as much if not make it ignored entirely by some players.

i think mail should only be used for talking to one or a few players at max for me. mail is for the upmost important stuff like bug reports which a reply to one could me missed if a players inbox is geting a reply every 10 min's which would make players ignore there mail most likely.

Edited 8/31/2018 00:12:37
[REQ] Make clan forums easily accessible via phone: 2018-08-31 01:12:57

Level 60
Logan you are right that some players won't like being alerted a lot, however the suggestion I first had (Have mails redirect to forum threads, or advertise a clan forum in a way that players on phone have easier access to see clan forum posts) would help to solve the issue of clan forums being buried or difficult to navigate despite them being very useful, but you get the idea here.
[REQ] Make clan forums easily accessible via phone: 2018-08-31 23:11:47

Level 45
I tried mailing all the members of a clan I'm in today, and it was really slow for some reason. It took me a very long time to mail everyone because of how bizzarely slow it was to check in each name (maybe the lag is due to my computer, but the rest doesn't lag at all). I'm wondering if anyone else experiences this. o.o
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