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Template Making Help Needed: 2018-08-01 22:37:57

Jason Walat
Level 60
Just asking, if I wanted to make a new template for a game idea I have, how exactly would I go about doing that? (In other words, how do I make a game template?)
Template Making Help Needed: 2018-08-02 00:14:17

Level 63
Two main ways:
  • From an existing game
  • From scratch
From an existing game

    1) Open a game
    2) Go to Menu -> Settings
    3) Look for "Template Used" -> click on template name or "Custom"
    4) You are then prompted if you want to create a new game from the current game settings. Click "Create new game".
    5) Select which players you want to be added
    6) Click "Next >>"
    7) Click "Change Settings"
    8) Tick "Customise template"
    9) Click "Next >>"
    10) Click "Next >>"
    11) You are then asked if you want to save the settings as a template. Click "Yes".
    12) Enter template name and description
    13) Click "Save Template"
    If you want to carry on creating the game:
    14) Click "Finish"
    15) Click "Create Game"
From scratch

    1) Navigate to "Multi-Player"->"Create Game"
    2) Add players
    3) Click "Next >>"
    4) Click "Change Settings"
    5) Click "Custom Game"
    6) Click "Next >>"
    7) After setting the game settings, click "Next >>"
    8) You are then asked if you want to save the settings as a template. Click "Yes".
    9) Enter template name and description
    10) Click "Save Template"
    If you want to carry on creating the game:
    11) Click "Finish"
    12) Click "Create Game"

For more template info, see https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Templates.
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