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WHats happening to forums?: 10/2/2013 16:25:25

Level 54
Oh you miss me pulsey.
WHats happening to forums?: 10/2/2013 16:34:15

Level 61
Are you implying I should have spent the 15 seconds? Because then every person on here needs to as well. Also, they posted that way on every thread. I was merely giving them a heads up, but thanks for throwing it in my face (why did you feel the need to say it took you 15 seconds?).
WHats happening to forums?: 10/2/2013 17:45:34

Level 57
I'm not throwing it in your face, I just wanted to accredit my 15 second without making it look like I could translate Bengali on my own (I didn't even know it was Bengali, though I suspected it was some form of Sanskrit).

Also, seeing as the person managed to respond in such a way that shows they understood what was being said, I assumed they had their reasons for posting in another language.

The only thing that annoyed me about your post was the way you put your slightly less-than-polite request that we speak in English (though for the purpose of convenience you're absolutely right that, if possible, you should).

Assuming that the person is in fact Bengali and not some troll performing typical trollish shenanigans, some people are less comfortable typing things out in English simply because their grammar is poor and they don't wish to embarrass themselves. Others aren't embarrassed by it (and they shouldn't be) and are happy they can be understood, but seeing as only about 45% of the people playing WarLight come from English speaking countries and only about 5-10% of the world's population can speak English fluently and another 10-15% use it in one form or another as a second or third language, we (who use English as a native or only language) should be happy that most the posts are in English and not be presumptuous in demanding that every post be in English.

It seemed easier to leave out the explanation though, so I simply mentioned what the translation was and what language it was from and how long it took me to find that out. This post took me the better part of 8 minutes, so I had originally hoped to not need to use those other 7 minutes and 45 seconds, but alas, it seems I did after all.
WHats happening to forums?: 10/2/2013 19:13:47

Level 61
Honestly, I really don't know how posting on a site of another language even works. I have never posted on a site based in another country, so I am not sure what goes on behind the scenes. I assumed since there is lots of broken English on here, that people were just typing in their actual 2nd+ language (English). I assume other people type in native language and use an online translator. How does it even work?

Whatever the method, I don't think it is too much to ask someone to post in English on an English site (whether by translation or just typing it).

If I was posting on La Guerra Luz (not sure if that is correct composition), I would expect everyone to want me to post in Spanish.
WHats happening to forums?: 10/2/2013 19:17:08

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
Level 57
I assume other people type in native language and use an online translator. How does it even work?

Have you honestly never heard of Google Translate???
WHats happening to forums?: 10/2/2013 19:19:02

Level 20

i haven't realised anything, you vulgarian

WHats happening to forums?: 10/2/2013 19:19:56

Level 61
Sure, I've used that. I didn't mean how does a translator work. I meant how are people posting on here (which method)? That question was at the end of a paragraph, not a separate question related to translating.

Edited 10/2/2013 19:20:37
WHats happening to forums?: 10/2/2013 19:21:56

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
Level 57
Hmm ok makes more sense ;)

My guess is that you'll see a bit of both - some people have English more than good enough to post without a translator. Others may not be so confident so copy and paste.
WHats happening to forums?: 10/2/2013 20:02:26

Daisuke Jigen
Level 56
Everyone is so touchy on the forums. Take Hauptmann's comment. To Chris, it had subtle implications and they got instantly off onto a serious sounding argument. Don't take everything as a slight on your honour (although in many cases it can provide good entertainment). Rid yourselves of all this needless aggression. Let the vibes flow through, funk not only moves... It can remove! Dig?
The desired effect is what you get, when you improve your interplanetary funksmanship.
WHats happening to forums?: 10/2/2013 22:42:44

Red Menace
Level 55
WHats happening to forums?: 10/3/2013 08:35:04

Level 56
i believe that the forum is dyign because some ppl post well fundamented stuff, like hauptmann, and most of us wont spend the time reading all that. If i want to read something long i will read elsewhere
WHats happening to forums?: 10/3/2013 09:35:44

Level 55
WHats happening to forums?: 10/3/2013 10:17:54

Level 57
Look at that, been back for a couple months and iNoob is accrediting me with killing the forums, oh sorry, let me try that so you'll actually read it:

ben bck 3 mnths n kilin da forum - better?
WHats happening to forums?: 10/3/2013 10:45:20

Daisuke Jigen
Level 56
The dying forums can't be blamed on individuals. If there is any truth in what iNoob is saying then it seems as though the whole community is suffering from a chronically lazy mentality. Tl;dr is a ridiculous phrase. It encompasses a lot of the problems of the new technological generation. So many things are made easier by this little gizmo or that. The fact that so many people gain this unsightly characteristic is very worrying.

No doubt there are a host of problems leading to the conclusion that this thread highlights, but it's not only difficult to pinpoint the problems, but also improbable that anyone can really fix them. You can't fix human nature.

Oh, let me guess... Tl;dr?
WHats happening to forums?: 10/3/2013 11:24:03

Level 55
^^ for clarity, i was being sarcastic. I mean if inoob can't read others posts why bother reading his.
WHats happening to forums?: 10/3/2013 11:42:02

Daisuke Jigen
Level 56
I was making a generalization. I said it could not be blamed on individuals and I did not take your comment to be serious. If I were in your shoes I would have added a ';)' for effect.
WHats happening to forums?: 10/3/2013 12:13:47

Level 57
The inherent problem with forums that is less prevalent (but still a problem) in typical conversation is the necessity to read the post, instead of listening (hearing, like seeing, is often very passive; you can hear or see things without listening to or watching them).

In order to give a proper response to a well written post you have to read it more than once (sometimes even three or four times) in order to understand it completely or at least sufficiently enough to give a well thought out answer. That's not worth the effort for most people playing this game.
WHats happening to forums?: 10/3/2013 12:53:30

Daisuke Jigen
Level 56
I see and I forget.
I hear and I remember.
I do and I understand.
WHats happening to forums?: 10/3/2013 13:50:22

Level 10
এখনও যাচ্ছে? গম্ভীরভাবে?
WHats happening to forums?: 10/3/2013 14:07:54

Daisuke Jigen
Level 56
Yes. It is still going. I suggest you speak English, however, as many people won't bother translating and may even hold a minor grudge against you. I doubt I am the only one who has notice you plastering the forum with Bengali musings.
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