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Most Underrated characters of Star Wars Franchise: 9/13/2015 22:53:20

#The Prussian Job-Oh yeah, baby...
Level 51
You forgott
Hego Damask aka
Darth Plagueis.
He planned the whole f*cking conspiracy before Palpatine was even born plus he did a lot of research on midi-chlorians and found out that a person can die if he wants them to just by ordering the midi-clorians to do so.He also found out how to reanimate them.Sadly,the rule of the two ended his life quickly.He died the night before Palpatine got elected.(Palpatine made him drunk and sleepy and so his former-master died.)

Also Quinlan Vos fleed with his wife (and family?!) while he was at a mission at Kasyyyk together with Yoda during Order 66.

Edited 9/13/2015 23:04:14
Most Underrated characters of Star Wars Franchise: 9/13/2015 22:53:54

#The Prussian Job-Oh yeah, baby...
Level 51
He tooked his wife later with him.

And didn't Ki Adi die during Order 66?
And why didn't you mention
Satele Shan from the Old Republic or Darth Malgus?-Both were great.And what about the Black Sun?-Or the IBC?-And where is Kit Fisto?

Edited 9/13/2015 23:03:17
Most Underrated characters of Star Wars Franchise: 9/13/2015 22:57:51

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
Yeah, Plagueis falls under 8, although now that you say all that, he may have deserved his own spot. Also, you left out the "h" in "Kashyyyk."
Most Underrated characters of Star Wars Franchise: 9/13/2015 23:02:45

#The Prussian Job-Oh yeah, baby...
Level 51
Sorry,I missed that "h" typed to fast ;)
Most Underrated characters of Star Wars Franchise: 9/13/2015 23:07:45

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
To answer your edit:

> Ki-Adi-Mundi did, in fact, die during the purge. I didn't feel the need to mention that, just like with Aayla Secura.

>I could have mentioned Satele Shan, perhaps, but I thought everyone knew about Malgus, and was planning to feature him in the next list.

> Kit Fisto has a good-sized fanbase.
Most Underrated characters of Star Wars Franchise: 9/13/2015 23:19:21

#The Prussian Job-Oh yeah, baby...
Level 51
And what about Mastress Shaak Ti?-Or Wat Tambor from the Techno-Union?-Or Tarfful,the wookie who helped Yoda to escape from Kashyyyk?-Yoda and him were friends before.

Also you missed to mention Great-General Thrawn as well as the Noghri which enacted a purge during which Thrawn died.
Most Underrated characters of Star Wars Franchise: 9/13/2015 23:24:52

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
> Shaak-Ti was made a boss fight in the Force Unleashed. Rom Kota was, as well, but he was never shown in the movies or television series, unlike Shaak-Ti. Category 9

> I never liked Wat, so my mind probably didn't add him subconsciously. Category 8

> Thrawn was too complicated to describe in the time I had. Category 8
Most Underrated characters of Star Wars Franchise: 9/13/2015 23:27:52

#The Prussian Job-Oh yeah, baby...
Level 51
Tough you should mention Thrawn.He was the best general the Imperium ever had.In my opinion.And they'll never get a better one.
Most Underrated characters of Star Wars Franchise: 9/13/2015 23:34:25

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
Most Underrated characters of Star Wars Franchise: 9/13/2015 23:45:37

#The Prussian Job-Oh yeah, baby...
Level 51
Most Underrated characters of Star Wars Franchise: 9/14/2015 00:15:45

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
Dark, join me.
Most Underrated characters of Star Wars Franchise: 9/14/2015 00:23:06

#The Prussian Job-Oh yeah, baby...
Level 51
With what?

Edited 9/14/2015 00:23:19
Most Underrated characters of Star Wars Franchise: 9/14/2015 00:23:47

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
Are you able to check mail?
Most Underrated characters of Star Wars Franchise: 9/14/2015 00:24:15

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
Together we can rule this forum as Marvin and Batman.
Most Underrated characters of Star Wars Franchise: 9/14/2015 00:35:22

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
Ah, but you see, Irony, Nobody other than me seems to know Star Wars like him. Regardless of his views on anything in the real world, he is a great asset and voice to take into consideration.

If Hitler were to say the sky is blue, would it be wrong to quote him?
Most Underrated characters of Star Wars Franchise: 9/14/2015 00:40:46

#The Prussian Job-Oh yeah, baby...
Level 51
I am no racist just for being annoyed by USA.
I am annoyed about your political debates,your low-mindedness,
your degenerated politicians(Europe might has some,too),your stubbornness and your arrogance.
Most Underrated characters of Star Wars Franchise: 9/14/2015 00:42:25

#The Prussian Job-Oh yeah, baby...
Level 51
Also it is a fact that the most agressive players come from USA.
I am Anti-USA but not against Jews,Latinos and so on.
Btw,I am mad at you for the genocide of the Native American.
Most Underrated characters of Star Wars Franchise: 9/14/2015 00:48:01

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
I am mad at you for the genocide of the Native American.

Strictly speaking, that was conquest and Imperialism. Something the British did to the Aboriginals in Australia, only to a lesser extent. I'm just saying...

Now quit derailing my thread, you two!
Most Underrated characters of Star Wars Franchise: 9/14/2015 00:50:41

#The Prussian Job-Oh yeah, baby...
Level 51
Most Underrated characters of Star Wars Franchise: 9/14/2015 01:42:06

MightySpeck (a Koala) 
Level 60
I think there was a clone that found out about Order 66 (was his names "Fives") and he leaves the clone army after that.
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