Warzone Idle FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions about Warzone Idle

How can I inspect a territory without conquering it?

First inspect one of its neighbors, such as a territory you own or a fogged territory, then click "connections list" and select it from the list.

Why is it slow?

Warzone Idle is meant to be played in short sessions throughout your day, not in one sitting. Feel free to take a break, and come back in an hour or two. Your armies will accumulate even when you're offline.

Yes, but even then it's taking forever!

Be sure to upgrade your army camps! Army camps are where you will get most of your armies. Also be sure to get the techs that increase your army camp production, and purchase all mercenaries.

If you can't afford to do all this, see the next question.

How do I get money faster?

You'll get most of your money by selling items that are made by your crafters. Be sure to keep your smelters and crafters active -- anytime they are waiting for resources, you are losing out on potential money. In general, the longer it takes to craft an item, the better investment it is, so try to keep your crafters on the slowest recipes as much as possible.

Be sure to sell off any items or ore that you don't need for techs or your smelters. Selling stuff is important for maximizing money generation.

Why is there waiting?

The suggested way to play is to check in every once in a while and re-invest your profits while you're doing other stuff. With this strategy, there's virtually no waiting involved in playing Warzone Idle.

Any more tips?

Once you have a bunch of AP upgrades, you should consider going back and playing previous levels again. You'll be able to clear them much more quickly than the first time, and you can earn some extra AP this way. Each level gives 25% less AP each time you beat it, so it's best to defeat each level a few times then move on.


Any attempts to cheat will result in your Warzone account being banned (along with any of your alts). Do not attempt to modify the game data, modify your system clock, or automate the game in any fashion except as provided within the game's normal UI. You have been warned.

Syncing Between Devices

The app saves to the server every 10 minutes, so if you switch devices you could go back in time by up to that amount (or longer if you were playing without an internet connection).

If you need to switch the device you're playing a Warzone Idle game on, the safest way is to follow these instructions:

NOTE: If your destination device is running Warzone version 5.00.6 or older, there are some bugs with switching devices. To check the version go to the Help menu and scroll to the bottom. If you're on 5.00.6 or older, before starting the switch, you should clear your local storage on the destination device. To clear your storage on Android, go to Home -> Settings -> Apps -> Warzone -> Clear Data. To clear your storage on iOS, delete the app and then re-install from the app store.

  1. Make sure you're signed into your Warzone account on the current device, and that both devices have active internet connections.
  2. On the current device, force it to save by pressing the Sync button. On the iOS and Android app, you'll find Sync by pressing the head in the top right corner. On the website, you can force a sync with the hotkey Ctrl+Alt+G.
  3. After activating the sync, wait a few seconds to ensure it completed, then close Warzone Idle on this device.
  4. Run Warzone Idle on the destination device. If it's not up to date, immediate activate sync like in step 2.

After following these instructions, the destination device will be at the same point on the new device. If you need to go back to the old one, follow these instructions again.

Make sure you're never running Warzone Idle on two devices at once (this includes two tabs or browser windows).