Supply Chain

Supply Chain is a game variant. This variant takes place on any map, though templates to Hex Maps are below.

Recommended Players

Any number. Links to 3 and 6 player games below.


Use this template

Full Rules

Summary: You can Only Deploy Base Income Armies to a Base. From there, transfer them wherever you need to.

Bases: You can also deploy armies adjacent to any neutral of 20 value or greater. Create a base by blockading 10 armies.

Taking over a Base: You can use bases created by your enemy as long as at least 20 neutral armies remain in the blockade.

Destroying a Base. If the blockade is weakend to less than 20 neutrals the base is destroyed and cannot deploy armies for anyone.

Reinf Cards: These are the only armies that can be deployed away from a base. Do not Split or apply more than one card to a territory.

If you have no more bases, you must surrender.

  1. Create This Variant on any map by making a 2.0 blockade card.