Rounding mode

Game creators may pick between one of two rounding modes when the game is created: weighted random, or straight round. When the result of the luck modifier calculation ends up with a remainder, this setting is used to determine if the result will be rounded up or down.

When the luck modifier is set to exactly 100%, all results will be whole numbers, which do not need to be rounded. Therefore this setting only applies when the luck modifier is set to a value below 100%.

Straight Round

In straight round mode, WarLight will simply round remainders to the nearest whole number. If the remainder is .5 exactly, the number will be rounded up. This mode is useful those who don't like random factors in their games.

This is the default rounding mode.

Weighted Random

In the weighted random mode, WarLight will use a random roll to determine if the number should be rounded up or down.

For example, if the luck modifier formula determines that 12.8 armies should be killed, there is a 80% chance that the result will be rounded up to 13 and a 20% chance that the result will be rounded down to 12.

See Also