
The WarLight forum is a place where players can discuss openly. Visit it at

RSS feeds for forums are available at


The forum of WarLight consists of these three sub-forums. All treads you make should be created in the proper category.


Here you can place the general topics on WarLight you'd like to discuss about.


If you find a bug, glitch or error message on WarLight, you can ask Fizzer or someone else for help here.

Map Development

If you are creating a new map, responding on a newly created map, or just want to talk about maps in general, post here.


All Ladder-related discussion here.


Matma Rex has created a number of copies of the WarLight forums, because since update 1.09.0, treads that have not been posted on for over 6 months get deleted. To avoid the permanent loss of them, he'll make mirrors every six months. View the tread about them here.