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Created by Kroma (all)
Went public on 6/8/2012
Number of ratings: 160
Average rating: 3.0562 / 5
132 territories, 82 bonuses, 4 distribution modes


Light Fog and Gift Cards can make it much more interesting. If you feel the starting positions are unfair, due to sandwiching, just change the base bonuses.


Review by Nathan on 1/23/2014.
Interesting execution of the race-to-the-top concept. I think this is a pvp-only map, as the AI makes a mess of things early on.
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by edwga on 7/13/2012.
The normal starting positions (in the lower pentagons) encourage upwards rushing while fending off attacks from the other players. However, the game soon becomes a turtle-fest, with the players who make it to the upper rows trying to penetrate the barricades and the players who get stuck below attempting to capture the lower bonuses. Once someone makes it to the top, it becomes a question of who has the bigger stack.

The other starting position (with 1 player starting at the top, and the others starting in the pentagons) is even worse, because it seems that no matter what, the player at the top creates a massive 700 stack and annihilates any stacks the players send from below (which usually totals about 300 - 400).
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by Kat' on 7/5/2012.
It's okay. AI can't handle negative bonuses and will kill itself running for the Finish while neglecting other income sources. I guess it would be more interesting in PvP.
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by EssenSlug on 7/26/2015.
i spawned in top so i get a bigger bonus then the bottom person :/ but else a very good map
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by captainlove on 7/24/2020.
Another waste of time. Don't know why the chain is made this way. You get a couple of fun maps that you need to use strategy to win then you get 5 maps in a row that are either unbeatable or like this one, easy enough where a 2 year old can beat them. The chain needs to be re-done to put easy maps like this one early in the chain and put the harder ones towards the end. The airlift cards are useless in this one because you get reinforcement cards every turn. 1 star for this one, and that's being generous.l
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by Mjoth on 5/3/2022.
An interesting map, but it was (and I rarely say this) maybe a bit to easy. The 20 spot at the top was pretty unavailable to the enemy, I walked right in, once I had taken that it was a cakewalk. Maybe add a bit more of a fight to get to that 20? Keep at!
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by Teckmantle on 7/4/2012.
I played this as a single game against 3 AIs (and no cards). The board is attractive and intriguing and the opening phase of the game was very enjoyable, but I quickly got the upper hand and the endgame was (I'm sorry to say) just boring with 50 armies added to my total each move, I pulverised the opposition. Perhaps plays better as 2v2 game? May try again later.
1 out of 2 people found this review helpful.
Review by Octo on 4/28/2020.
really easy map, but pretty fun
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by Nessuno on 5/17/2021.
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Review by yinchiao on 7/19/2021.
clear, straightforward, no surprises
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by GeneralK on 8/10/2021.
fun map. would be better with fewer negative troop spaces
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Review by Carol on 10/31/2021.
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Review by jkl on 11/12/2023.
Cute; easy.
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by Салем on 11/14/2023.
too much bad balance, very simple
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Review by Asteriks on 11/20/2023.
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Review by alf on 5/12/2024.
original map
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by Natalia on 6/11/2024.
Sorry, not a fan but thank you for your time in designing it
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Review by Elucidar on 8/18/2024.
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Review by Guinness4Lyfe on 8/26/2024.
Single strategy = getting to the top.
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by Krulle on 8/6/2013.
I love Malefiz! (another totally useless comment)
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Review by Ancus on 7/1/2012.
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Review by G_GR on 12/12/2014.
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Review by Andalorium on 1/9/2017.
It felt like there was potential but i got lost on why the defaults for the pentagons were different.
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