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Africa Population Density

Unlocks at level 7 or with the Mega Maps Pack
#Real World  
Created by Madocthehadoc (all)
Went public on 2/19/2024
Number of ratings: 26
Average rating: 3.6153 / 5
181 territories, 73 bonuses, 0 distribution modes


Map of Africa where each territory had a population of ~10 million in 2021 (except in some cases where this was doubled and bonuses were decreased)


Review by yinchiao on 2/20/2024.
Is Congo a population desert? I would have thought otherwise.
Mostly a fun map, but the periphery along the Mediterranean seems barely connected to the rest of the map & it's a long slog in the endgame marching monotonously all the way up to southern Spain.
Response by map creator Madocthehadoc on 2/20/2024
Thank you for the feedback, about the Congo, I know right??? I would have thought otherwise too but the Congo river basin is actually super sparsely populated.
Gabon only has 2.5 million people, the RoC has 6 million (both mostly in the south) and the boundaries of the impassable bit intentionally stop short of the population centres in Kisingani and Ubangi. In total there might be ~8 million people in the region as a whole but the population density was low enough that I thought it was more interesting as an impassable territory

I considered connecting the Mediterranean through the Sahara but decided against it in the end since that kind of went against he purpose of the map to begin with. I might still do this is more people are like minded haha.
2 out of 2 people found this review helpful.
Review by Ammaren on 2/21/2024.
really good looking map, very interesting amd well made
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by TresEspadas on 2/28/2024.
Just the right size
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by Benyyl on 2/21/2024.
very nice map, I would have liked to see the equiatorial Guinea island and the Comoros
1 out of 2 people found this review helpful.