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Colossal Earth

Unlocks at level 25 or with the Mega Maps Pack
#Real World  #World  
Created by (deleted) (all)
Went public on 3/9/2022
Number of ratings: 73
Average rating: 4.0684 / 5
4000 territories, 1192 bonuses, 3 distribution modes


This Map won map of the week 2/12/2022

This is my World-Takeover scheme. Colossal Earth. It's a gargantuan earth map pushed to the limit. I wanted to add sea tiles but ran out of space with the limitations. If the max territory limit is increased, I will consider adding them. I wanted to make a huge world and finally, I have accomplished it.


Review by Sick on 3/9/2022.
Biggest map of the full world nice, if this map gets updated this is my wish list, do with it what you want
Wish List:

Vatican city (inside the rome territory)
Gibraltar territory with an independent bonus
Splitted Cyprus
Splitted Israel
Bahrain as country, not as part of Saudi Arabia
Oman got like an exclave north of the UAE, could be nice if you made that and merged it with Muscat
Also, Kalingrad is not really a state right, I understand you put it in the bonus but still
Also maybe dried up Aral lake
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Guadeloupe and Martinique
Saint Barthélemy
Saint Martin/Sint Maarten (split between France and the Netherlands)
Dutch Leeward Islands
U.S. Virgin Islands
Other USA territories in the USA bonus maybe
Response by map creator (deleted) on 3/17/2022
I also combined other points of interest like Ingushetia with North Ossetia. Did you see how I combined Rhode Island and Massachusetts with Connecticut? Oh how clever of me.

Those territories are too small to add to this map and they can barely amass an army to resist invasion without outside intervention. I mostly based the territory sizes on what can be conquered in 1-3 days with a certain amount of aggression. I'm sorry I can not add them. If the limitations are expanded though, I intend to add antarctica and sea tiles for more realistic experience.

Also, you must have created a game then surrendered first without even playing the map. I have an update to fix missing connections so look forward to that.
6 out of 6 people found this review helpful.
Review by LimeL on 3/13/2022.
Wow joey, you had to be working fast, the 4000 territory update was so recently! This was so much work, I hope you feel like it was worth it! (We think it was ofc) I will be ready for the long diplo games that will be played here xD, or a 100 players game, I would join aswell. I like that the territories are similar sized in all parts of the world, I like that you left out Antarctica, I also like that you left out tiny stuff like the vatican, like most maps include, I even like the map projection you used! I always wonder how you mapmakers manage to get the 4000 territories perfectly. As a mapmaker myself I can only imagine what issues the size of the map caused when you tried to take it into WZ. The only thing I would change is the coloring of the bonuses to be a bit more intuitive, but seeing other maps that seems to be only my concern haha, anyways keep up the good work!
Response by map creator (deleted) on 3/13/2022
Hey Limel and your maps are awesome. I worked swiftly and probably should've taken my time. The map turned out better than I thought it would. I used Dinospain's world map as a template to go on which is a really nice map and credit to him for it and the crazy color scheme I'd like to thank Drex color scheme. I'd like however that the map looked more realistic when you zoomed out so would be greens and blues and oranges I suppose. The trick I used was that I uploaded the map to warzone and did everything altogether instead of making the map first then converting it to warzone. I like this technique better so I'm not stuck naming territories and fixing links. The 4000 territories was terrifying. I thought I'd run out of space. The map size is 2.8 mb which I could use to improve the map a little more, make it more aesthetically appealing. I would like to have done things somewhat differently but all in all, I like the way it turned out.
2 out of 2 people found this review helpful.
Review by Nathan on 3/12/2022.
The ultimate in world maps.

There are a couple of broken connections, but just a couple and I'm guessing the latest version has fixed most of them.
Response by map creator (deleted) on 3/13/2022
Hey Nathan, good to see you. I am fixing broken connections, yes. I hope I got them all in this next update. I searched diligently and even found a few playing your community level. Anyone can contact me if they find one and I will gladly fix it.
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by Riptide on 3/13/2022.
That map.
Oh my god that thing is huge.
I love it.
I was trying to make a 1939 scenario on it (and a 1914 one for that matter) but there were some issues I ran into. First, Sakhalin isn't divided into two bonuses, making it hard to split it between Japan and Russia. Secondly, the Virgin Islands just seem to be gone.

All and all, I never thought you'd make it with all the territories it required. I thought you'd exceed the limit. Somehow you did it - I guess cutting Greenland short helped :) Great job! I like the number of bonuses in Northern France, because it makes it good for WW2 scenarios.
Unlike other world maps, Corsica is its own bonus, which I've been wanting. It's good in WW2 as it can be given to Italy if France gets beaten.

Again, it's wonderful. If this thing gets anything less than five stars, I'm going to be very ticked. I've been wanting such a huge map and you've done it, thank you very much!
Response by map creator (deleted) on 3/13/2022
Thanks a lot. I tried to make a map that was balanced but could play many scenarios and FFA games as well. I didn't want to leave anything out but had to sacrifice some things I'd rather have had myself. I personally wanted a map that has everything.
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by J on 3/24/2022.
little big.
Response by map creator (deleted) on 3/24/2022
Not big enough. It's not perfect but it's a modest effort. Need one like Baconsizzle's Big World but include Antarctica. Nothing fancy. Just has to look like a gameboard. Sea tiles seem more appropriate for these larger maps. Good strategy in regard to where you can strike from with the sea territories. Try to make it for FFA but also Diplomacy games. A combination of this one and that one. What you complaining bout J?
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by Shommy on 8/4/2022.
4000 territories??? ridiculous
Response by map creator (deleted) on 9/4/2022
no it's not
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by Emperor Bonaparte on 11/30/2022.
Love the size of the map, and all the superbonuses. I usually don't like large portions of land being wasteland-ed but in Greenland it looks natural.

Seazones would be cool but obviously you don't have the territory limit for that, and the same with Antarctica.

One thing though, from a diplomacy player not having e.g. St. Pierre & Miquelon in Canada & Bahrain being separate territories is a little annoying but it's very situational.

Overall one of my top 5 maps, and top 3 of the world.
Response by map creator (deleted) on 11/30/2022
thanks very much for your feedback. I personally have great expectations myself. I want as much as I can get out of it. I'd like a map scaled to the France map, or the Hoi Europe map. It may be vast but is not really that big when you see my 3-territory Denmark compared to the 1973-territory Denmark. A world map of my standards would be around 20 thousand territories. In real battles, it's a back and forth struggle for land, mostly in key cities. They need something to fight over, otherwise it's tactical retreat. technically, Greenland would probably not be key battleground. I requested globe-type 3-d maps like Google earth but fizzer rejected it. I think the future would be space battles like sci Fi movies have but space battles over earth, I'm not quite so sure due to all inhabitants having some territorial claim on the earth itself.
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by MidnightMark on 3/18/2023.
Epic; the ultimate world sim.
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by Andalorium on 7/31/2023.
love the size, and many ways to play. great map!
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by €nigma on 12/31/2022.
Response by map creator (deleted) on 1/11/2023
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by coseyhead on 12/5/2023.
A good map, although somewhat spoiled by the lack of super bonuses...makes it too much of a slog.
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by Pinkbladder on 3/30/2024.
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by MetalGear4.5 on 6/14/2024.
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by billy on 6/24/2024.
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by 7ate9 on 7/14/2024.
incredible but huge
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by q on 4/23/2022.
Response by map creator (deleted) on 5/26/2022
it's not the prettiest
1 out of 3 people found this review helpful.
Review by G0rillius on 6/8/2023.
way too big and pointless
Response by map creator (deleted) on 9/17/2023
goodbye cruel world. how about I raise the unlock level to 54 so amateurs like you can't host a game on it?
0 out of 2 people found this review helpful.