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Iran-Iraq War

#Real World  
Created by Nikitan (all)
Went public on 7/31/2020
Number of ratings: 22
Average rating: 2.909 / 5
88 territories, 15 bonuses, 5 distribution modes


23 September 1980.

Iraqi bombers struck Iranian military and civilian targets, which after open war was declared. Iranian troops scrambled to meet Iraqi forces at the border, and forces engaged in combat across the 750-mile line. For the next eight years, the two nations would see up to 1.5 million casualties, and the suspected use of WMDs on both sides to inflict casualties. Will Iraq be able to defeat Iran after all, or will history replay and Iran defeat Iraq?

Best as a 1v1 map. 2v2s are also okay, but should be distributed using custom scenarios.

Best played using local distribution to simulate recruitment.

If you like this kind of map, please comment below and I will make more similar ones!


Review by pitulnik on 8/24/2020.
This map is interesting due to historical theme and appopriate artwork. Howewer, it works only in specific cases. Designer suggest local deployment. I found this quite boring because only cities have bonuses and than you must go the long way every turn. I recommend use of extra army for every x-territories(it was balanced for 3 terr. in midwar scenario), in this way I enjoyed the map having fun with frontline breakthourgs in order to secure cities.
I do not understand starting troops and no starting troops scenario.
The main problem is with cities design. It was often hard for me to find Iraqi cities and bonuses buttons was unhelpful for me in Iraq. In Iran it's ok.
Response by map creator Nikitan on 9/30/2020
In Iraq the territories were small, and I did not want to purposely make the territories all larger in order to accommodate the bonus boxes. This map is indeed quite boring - the way to win is actually to entrench your armies and make sure your cities are well-defended. I'm not sure how a non-local-deployment game would work.
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by jbron on 1/10/2021.
fun map
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by Alexander King on 8/12/2020.
Absolutely unbalanced.
Response by map creator Nikitan on 8/13/2020
Thank you for your compliment.

How do I improve it? Please give me some ideas.
0 out of 2 people found this review helpful.