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Unlocks at level 3 or with the Mega Maps Pack
Created by skunk940 (all)
Went public on 1/28/2012
Number of ratings: 42
Average rating: 2.7857 / 5
103 territories, 16 bonuses, 0 distribution modes


A guy comes up to me and says. I love warlight. But i got a biolgy test soon. If only i could Revise and play at the same time. Then I had a brain wave. I dismised that brain wave as they are physics and i set off on a map creating mission. It may not be the most pretty but it does what it says on the tin. Biolgy.

Other skunk940 maps: Biology, Christmas Celabrations, Earth (Realistic), Europe (Realistic), Falkland Islands, North Norfolk, Silly Isle, Solar System


Review by Andalorium on 4/13/2012.
there are some lines to show connections that do not connect making it a little confusing at times e.i. antitoxin to relay neuron shows a connection that does not exist either get rid of the line or make the connection
Response by map creator skunk940 on 12/28/2012
Fixed missing links
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