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Europa Magna

Unlocks at level 25 or with the Mega Maps Pack
#Real World  #Europe  #INSS  
Created by Lionheart (all)
Went public on 11/13/2018
Number of ratings: 40
Average rating: 3.8 / 5
173 territories, 450 bonuses, 9 distribution modes


The bonuses on this map are crafted in a way that controlling 1, 2, 3 or 4 territories in a system that will grant different income. You can use the bonus table on the map to tell how much income you will gain or lose for controlling a certain amount of territories in a bonus. Be aware that there are a total of 9 kind of bonus, each with its individual color and income distribution.

Special thanks to:
Kenny; Sloppy; Cowboy; Xeno; Ryiro; Cata; Dutch Desire; QB; 89thlap; Beren; Farah; el-sin; Table Trivia; gilead; MoD and others WZ members.

V.1.2 - Repaired all "A" (black) bonuses - Thanks to Kris for reporting the issue that gave an income of 8.

Template suggestion for 3v3:


Review by Gus squared on 12/25/2018.
A very nice addition to the progressive bonus maps.

This map has a different bonus progression than Biomes and Master Mania. The addition of three types of 3 territory bonuses adds to game play.

Also the map has far more connections than either Master Mania or Biomes and makes for a more challenging progression.

A worthy addition.
2 out of 3 people found this review helpful.
Review by Bob on 5/29/2022.
good map
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.