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Unlocks at level 38 or with the Mega Maps Pack
#Real World  
Created by RedStorm (all)
Went public on 10/25/2017
Number of ratings: 20
Average rating: 3.7 / 5
715 territories, 182 bonuses, 1 distribution mode


Version 1.0

This is a special made map from me for Diplo Games.
Like the name tells us it include econimic centers. I call them bonus hot spots. In case of war you always lose your country bonus, cause its hard to defend the whole country. With economic centers you didnt lose all of your power as long as you defend your hot spots. Furthermore it isnt to big so you can play real time. I tried best to spread out the strength throug the map so a fair diplo game can be played.

In the next Version south afirca and Austrailia will be added. If you have suggestions to improve game or found mistakes you can contact me via email.

Thanks and have fun.



Review by Taran on 12/2/2017.
Missing connections
Ash-Sharqiyah -> Dhabi
Lebap -> Surkhandarya
Lebap -> Ahai
Benue -> Taraba
Nana-Grebizi -> Lobaye
Mbomou -> Navkar
Response by map creator RedStorm on 11/14/2019
thanks, I'll conect it
3 out of 4 people found this review helpful.
Review by Phakh Gokhn on 10/26/2017.
Great map for diplos. Represents real world well.
Response by map creator RedStorm on 11/14/2019
Thanks, it was my greatest project and I had already some knowledge of creating maps instead my other maps were just for fun
2 out of 3 people found this review helpful.
Review by puky on 9/7/2023.
europe so overpowered if anyone take europe win the game
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by PJABBER on 9/1/2023.
Really fun map with a focus on the economic centers that influenced the region.
1 out of 2 people found this review helpful.