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Star Conflict Small

Unlocks at level 5 or with the Mega Maps Pack
Created by CunoThe1 (all)
Went public on 3/2/2017
Number of ratings: 39
Average rating: 3.5641 / 5
68 territories, 28 bonuses, 3 distribution modes


A map of Star Conflict, so we can finaly battle between factions.
Awesome game, go play it!

My invitation CODE: 69FDF741F5F4561D4421F08C885CBC68
Starconflict GAME : http://store.steampowered.com/app/212070/


Review by Nathan on 3/2/2017.
Great for 1v1, and maybe a 3 FFA. I'm worried that anything bigger would be inherently imbalanced.

Nice work.
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by Daryle on 3/6/2017.
Cool game play. many routes to get to the other side. Good Job
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by CunoThe1 on 3/6/2017.
The map looks decent, begin game is not bad. The combat itself was good, it took a while till a winner took the upper hand. However the end game is pretty boring.
Using my own rating system I made, it is a 7,2 or 4stars.
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by wickidd on 12/1/2021.
cool idea, but unfortunately way too hard. next time please put the difficulty in the title so we don't waste our time
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by Matt Schwartz on 11/18/2021.
too easy. More like a chore
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by foleydaniel96 on 11/29/2021.
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Review by Mjoth on 7/1/2022.
That was a really fun, exciting map to play on! Great job!
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by Nabel Andy on 7/2/2022.
Thank You!
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by wader on 7/2/2022.
AI's need to be programed to surrender wonce it becomes obvious they can beat human. Prevents the game from being dragged out. Otherwise - nice board.
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by sualkxela on 5/2/2023.
Great map! No game is like the one before, you really have to get a little lucky on the initial draw to go all the way. Well designed, enjoyed it! Thank you.
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