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Twelve Cities

Unlocks at level 19 or with the Mega Maps Pack
#Fictional  #Diplomacy  
Created by Niobium2 (all)
Went public on 11/21/2015
Number of ratings: 129
Average rating: 4.0852 / 5
1766 territories, 771 bonuses, 8 distribution modes


A very big, lore filled map, with tons of chokepoints. Intended for Diplomacy style games. Quite complicated, but well worth it.

IMPORTANT NOTES: Hosts / Anybody you play this map with should be familiar with city zoom maps, as they define the map basicaly. Cities that are zoomed in are represented with OCTAGONS. It is heavily advised that you include ABANDON/BLOCKADE cards, as there are a lot of negative bonuses you might accidentaly take and wish to get rid of.

My first map, this large world revolves around 12 superpower cities, each with defenses and economies that give them units for holding the surrounding lands and make them harder to besiege.

Many concepts in this map are experimental, and many of the territory names do tribute to various other works I admire.

Thanks to the Warlight community, especially E Masterpierround and Fenway for helping me test and design.



Review by Zephyrum on 11/22/2015.
YES!!! YES!!!


On the test game the jungle mechanics was better, but sadly Fizzer was being douchy, oh well. Either way, this map was PERFECT to play during tests. The map seems to have an aura whispering to you "ROLEPLAY... ROLEPLAY...", it's appearance is the unquestionable #1 in my list. Cities mechanics make it very fun to play even on Local Deployment. Bonuses are very good. Defensive bonuses on the cities to make sieging difficult is an amazing, genius, god tier idea. Moving around cities is confusing at first but you get the hang of it after a few turns. The very udea if thus map is amazing, the map is amazing, the inner city maps are amazing, everything is amazing and this is the very definition of map pornography for me - I got an orgasm looking at the screen. I am not exaggerating, trust me. 5/5 favorite.
Response by map creator Niobium2 on 11/23/2015
Wow! Glad you liked it, definitely designed around roleplay. :)
21 out of 22 people found this review helpful.
Review by {W.U} Francisco Corral on 11/23/2015.
First time reviewing a map.
First off, visually it is beautiful, though huge fantasy maps tend to be confusing this is not the case here.
The negative bonuses put into place to make a siege harder is great, it makes you think your war tactics over and over again since you need to weaken your enemy by taking his lands outside the city before trying to break into it.
Although there is no official lore to the world this acts more as a strength than weakness since it gives the game makers the ability to create very in depth scenarios and it gives the players liberty to use their imagination and creativity.

Overall I give this map 5 tacos out of 5 tacos. Well done.
Response by map creator Niobium2 on 12/7/2015
13 out of 13 people found this review helpful.
Review by Tarhani on 11/29/2015.
Interesting, very big. Beware of the negative bonusses.

I don't like, that the attacker can use the negative bonusses against the defender... the positve wall bonusses should be connected to the throne, not to the streets or the next tower.

Some cities have very weak protection like "Plunder", some very strong like "Magic", some block the early development of the city owner like "Freedom".

But interesting. 4/5
Response by map creator Niobium2 on 12/7/2015
Yeah, I recognize this map is doesn't work too well for some styles. In terms of strategy in some areas it can be unbalanced... but that lends more to the role play side.
6 out of 6 people found this review helpful.
Review by Nathan on 1/28/2016.
I've always been a fan of massive maps and this one is no different. Not only is it intricate and huge, but it incorporates negative bonuses to a far greater extent than any other large map I can recall.

That being said, the negative bonuses are very imbalanced. Just to attack the Magic city, for example, you have to suffer a 140-army penalty before you can even enter. On the other hand, you can attack the city of Plunder by ship and not suffer any penalty at all.

Making matters worse is the varying number of entrances to the cities. Only one each territory borders the cities of Magic and Evil, while Science abuts a total of six territories!

These disadvantages need to be evened out to begin to provide each city an equal chance of winning the game.
6 out of 6 people found this review helpful.
Review by psykkoman on 1/4/2016.
Fascinating map. Intriguing, demanding, captivating. Includes many features which are unique and bring WL play to a completely new level. Great both for diplos and large FFA's. I felt in love with this in an instant and I am sure that I am about to spend tons of hours here. Thank you!
4 out of 5 people found this review helpful.
Review by warhawk on 3/30/2016.
Complex map, I've just got a win on it but I have no idea how I got there. Connecting point into /out of the cities are hard to find and easy to overlook. I loved it, got to play it again.
3 out of 3 people found this review helpful.
Review by ❤HankyPinky on 5/2/2016.
Very well done. I love how each port has a little circle where all the incoming lines hit so it's very easy to see. Also love the names of the territories. Find it hard to believe it's fictional, it named so well it feels like real places. Played it a few times and have yet to find any missing connections. all the fortification/negative bonuses are ingenious.

Long story short, this just became my favorite map in all of warlight, by a wide margin.
3 out of 3 people found this review helpful.
Review by Andalorium on 8/31/2016.
So the Garrisons for all the penalties are not consistent, I feel like it should be at least one more unit then the penalty, and sometimes a difference of five between the two meaning garrison has 5 more, but overall good map
2 out of 2 people found this review helpful.
Review by Martinus on 4/11/2017.
Great map. Maybe a little bit too complicated with all those minuses
2 out of 2 people found this review helpful.
Review by sualkxela on 11/30/2020.
5 Starts for putting this elaborate map together. Please note it may take a LOOOONG time to play this, so ideally, I'd prefer a smaller map that has some of the features of this one, imo. Great job nonetheless!
2 out of 2 people found this review helpful.
Review by TheMatador on 5/17/2016.

Fantastic for longer games, and light diplomacy. My favorite map overall.
2 out of 3 people found this review helpful.
Review by Annales on 12/20/2016.
Well balanced map (for 12 players) with attention to detail and a storyline for those who wish to play one.
We played one of our most epic games on it and I must applaud its creator! Thanks for making this gem!
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by Ashmage on 5/13/2017.
This is one of my favorite maps. The combination of diplo and the twelve cities themselves, just makes this a really really really good map.
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by A_B3 on 3/6/2018.
Though a solid play and tremendous effort was put into this map, I found it a little difficult to understand where the cities connected on the larger area maps. Also the penalties within the cities makes for considerable frustration.
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by Julian on 12/20/2019.
Great map with clever bonuses
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by I.R.Schyster on 1/24/2022.
The Crock says this is the best map Warzone+ has. Only a Jabroni would say otherwise, If you smell what The Crock is cooking!
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by Aaron on 6/20/2022.
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by Sinistar on 10/3/2022.
loved this map
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by Melanie on 2/25/2023.
I liked this map. It was tricky with the negative bonuses.
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by Ragnar Lothbrok on 8/19/2023.
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by Tregonsee on 2/28/2024.
Love this map
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by skarabaios on 4/28/2024.
What the...! I was playing alone in an empty map because the opponents took the bait of their own AI and got all the minus territories?????!!!!!
So much potential in this map and so poor AI...
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by 7ate9 on 7/14/2024.
reminds me of legion td in warcraft 3
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by Zekken:The absolute blade on 12/18/2015.
0 out of 13 people found this review helpful.
Review by FunnyEric on 11/27/2015.
too bad overview about bonuses and maluses.
otherwise would certainly be interesting.
0 out of 15 people found this review helpful.