Unlocks at level 45 or with the Mega Maps Pack #Real World
Created by Olkani [PG] (all)
Went public on 12/2/2015
Number of ratings: 99
Average rating: 4.0505 / 5
948 territories, 285 bonuses, 4 distribution modes
Great map! Loved playing on it. Despite its size, this is a very mobile, fluid map. The large territories make for rapid forward movement among the smaller, more densely packed areas.
I also wholly approve of both superbonuses and bonuses for local capitals.
I noticed a couple of broken/extra connections, but the only one I remember is that Meerbeck-Niederwoehren should not connect to Helpsen-Nienstaedt (both in LK Schaumburg).
Chills. Looks really amazing in color composition. The additional given information fits well with the map. I like it but maybe it would be much more strategical if there were less bridges around the rivers.