Review by
Nathan on 3/2/2015.
Great map - lots of fun to play. Would love to see some more scenarios - perhaps a 4-player post-WWII scenario. Maybe also a scenario featuring Laendeshauptstaedte.
8 out of 8 people found this review helpful.
Review by
Olkani [PG] on 5/8/2015.
German maps are always unbalanced !
But this map is the best German map
5 out of 5 people found this review helpful.
Review by
FC Bayern on 6/16/2015.
this is a nice map! But the map isnt balanced...(however every map of Germany is unbalanced) - so this is the best map of germany!
If you start at the south (Franken) than you will win the game ;-)
6 out of 7 people found this review helpful.
Review by
prussianbleu on 2/28/2015.
6 out of 9 people found this review helpful.
Review by
gui on 2/28/2015.
Good map, very detailed. But playing against 3 AIs, they were curiously passive. Does somebody know why?
Response by map creator
eliod on 2/28/2015
Naaa... I think the map is not that AI-friendly. Guess the reason is the City-Bonuses, because much of them aren't touching each other. AI has problems with that bonuses.
5 out of 8 people found this review helpful.
Review by
Daryle on 3/1/2015.
Wow Good map a real slug fest.
5 out of 8 people found this review helpful.
Review by
The Supreme Mugwump on 8/18/2016.
Bonus structure may be highly surprising - be vigilant!
3 out of 4 people found this review helpful.
Review by
Arachnocat14 on 4/12/2018.
This map is OK for large FFAs or team games, but it is rather unbalanced and the artwork is very bland.
2 out of 2 people found this review helpful.
Review by
It's me on 2/7/2017.
2 out of 3 people found this review helpful.
Review by
warhawk on 6/14/2018.
clean map above avg challenge.
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by
frankybraun on 2/24/2020.
sehr cool
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by
Daniel Reick on 8/1/2015.
3 out of 6 people found this review helpful.
Review by
Andi Front on 5/4/2020.
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by
Mutt-Moe on 5/25/2020.
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by
Iray Hatake on 5/21/2021.
Very good
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by
James Peck on 8/2/2022.
bit too easy
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by
Paulzep on 10/26/2023.
Darmstadt is 1st League in 2023
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by
Asteriks on 10/26/2023.
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by
toasty115 on 11/3/2023.
its pretty good
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by
Ergaxand on 3/12/2015.
gr8 m8 8/8
3 out of 8 people found this review helpful.
Review by
superfighter on 9/28/2015.
The bonuses are very hard to see !
2 out of 7 people found this review helpful.
Review by
jss10f92 on 3/28/2015.
Not sure if my experience was normal, but this was a very simple "war". Each army sought the nearest enemy and then waged war with only the base reinforcement number (5). So while I went around the board conquering North Germany, the AIs just keep fighting for the same area. Essentially, by the time one of the AIs found me, I had 70 reinforcements each turn while they had only 5. THEY HAD 5 THE ENTIRE MATCH! I was massively disappointed
2 out of 11 people found this review helpful.
Review by
MoOoOoOoO on 3/7/2015.
shitty map
0 out of 13 people found this review helpful.