Mod API Reference:TerritoryModification


  • TerritoryID TerritoryID:
  • AddSpecialUnits Array<SpecialUnit>:
  • SetArmiesTo Nullable<integer>: Sets the number of armies on the territory to this number.
  • AddArmies Nullable<integer>: Adds (or removes with negative numbers) armies from the territory. When adding or removing a specific number, this is preferred over SetArmiesTo since it promotes compatbility with other mods.
  • SetOwnerOpt Nullable<PlayerID>:
  • SetStructuresOpt Table<StructureType (enum),integer>: Sets the number of structures, such as cities, on this territory. Nil to simply make no changes.
  • AddStructuresOpt Table<StructureType (enum),integer>: Adds (or removes with negative numbers) structures, such as cities, on this territory. When adding or removing a specific number of structures, this is preferred over SetStructuresOpt since it promotes compatbility with other mods.


  • WL.TerritoryModification.Create(terrID TerritoryID) (static) returns TerritoryModification: