Abandoned games

Any WarLight game that goes over 101 days without advancing will be considered abandoned. The players holding up this game will be sent a warning e-mail letting them know the game is considered abandoned, and that they have to weeks to act to keep themselves from getting booted or the game from being deleted.

The purpose of this is to help the WarLight database stay clean of games that players stopped caring about.

An in-progress game will boot any players that didn't play their turn. Games that are still in the lobby after the two-week warning will just be deleted, unless they’re tournament games, in which case the players will be force-joined.

101 days is a minimum. The system isn’t super aggressive about sending out warning e-mails, so it may not send them out on exactly day 101. It will get around to it usually within a week. Similarly, it may take a little longer than two weeks after the warning e-mail for action to be taken.