
(Created page with "Fog is a way of controlling how much of your opponents empires you can see. In all fog levels, you can always see your own territories. WarLight supports six levels of fog: No Fo...")

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Fog is a way of controlling how much of your opponents empires you can see. In all fog levels, you can always see your own territories. WarLight supports six levels of fog: No Fog, Light Fog, Normal Fog, Heavy Fog, Dense Fog, and Complete Fog.

  • NoFog.png No Fog: All territories are visible to everyone.
  • LightFog.png Light Fog: Territories adjacent to you are fully visible, but all others only show the owner, not the number of armies there.
  • Foggy.png Normal Fog: Territories adjacent to you are fully visible, but all others are completely fogged.
  • ModerateFog.png Heavy Fog: All territories show the owner, but not the number of armies there.
  • VeryFoggy.png Dense Fog: Territories adjacent to you show the owner, but not the number of armies. All other territories are fogged.
  • ExtremeFog.png Complete Fog: All territories are fogged.

Orders Visibility Overview

In addition to hiding the territories, WarLight will also not show attacks and transfers that happen in the fog to different degrees. The table below shows these rules in full detail.

Although the table below is complex, there's one fundamental rule that governs how orders are visible: There should not be any information a player can gather by doing a significant amount of work. In other words, all information should be either blantantly clear or impossible to obtain.

This rule is important to WarLight since we don't want to give advantages to players who are willing to spend hours doing a thorough analysis of the game map. Doing this would reduce the fun of the game for both the player doing the painstaking analysis and for the player who lost by not taking advantage of said analysis.

Orders Visiblity Details


  • You: A territory you or a teammate control.
  • Visible: A territory you can fully see, but do not control.
  • Fogged: A territory you can't see at all - it's completely fogged.
  • Owner: A territory you can see the owner of, but not the number of armies.
  • Yes: Players can always see this information.
  • No: Players can never see this information.
  • OwnChg: Players can only see this information if the order resulted in territory ownership changing. In other words, a successful attack.
  • Success: Players can only see this action if the order was successful. In other words, a transfer that executed or an attack that resulted in ownership changing.
