 - Unity: Added map designer to Unity app.
 - Unity: Added preview support for 3d maps in the map designer only. In an upcoming release, 3d maps will be available outside of the designer.
 - Unity: Tabs are no longer marked as experimental.
 - Unity: Fixed tournament bracket view so it doesn't go to the bottom right corner on initial load.
 - Idle: Added settings to disable the popups for unclaimed powers, mortars, arenas, and dig sites.
 - Idle: Added Inspire Mercenaries powers to the possible options for daily rewards. 
 - Idle: Advanced Auto Conquer will now always conquer free territories first before conquering any others.
 - Idle: A skip level power will no longer mark the last level as skipped, since there's nothing after it to unlock so it would be a waste.
 - Idle: Fixed auto dig so that it can activate a dig even when the app is closed, up to your max idle limit.
 - Idle: Fixed arenas sometimes giving the reward for a different arena than then one you clicked Play on.
 - Idle: Fixed territories that were visible through an advancement not counting as visible to some features, such as the Level Stats Dialog and mortar targets.
 - Idle: Fixed the modifier breakdown for ore production when ad-watch bonus is active.
 - Idle: Fixed assets, such as smelters, not appearing in your list if you conquered them on the last territory of the map.
 - Idle: Fixed the "Next victory is worth" number so it subtracts AP cannibalized from a previous aborted attempt at that level.
 - Idle: Fixed a bug that made it so you couldn't join battles if you only had Advanced Auto Conquer and not normal Auto Conquer.
 - Idle: Fixed the mortar dialog so it shows the correct increased percentage if you've unlocked the Increased Mortar Damage advancement.
 - Idle: Fixed a bug that made mortars continue to glow even after firing and missing.
 - Classic: Mega Games can now go up to 300 players.
 - Classic: When you win a multi-player 1v1 game, the end game dialog now tries to explain why you won, such as "your opponent was booted for running out of time".  This helps newbies understand why a game ended.
 - Classic: Slightly increased match rate of real-time quickmatch games.
 - Classic: The "turns into AI" options can now be used in coin games.
 - Classic: Fixed a bug that could allow quickmatch to make a game with fewer coins than your MinCoins parameter.
 - Classic: Fixed a bug when creating a game that made the fixed reinforcement card settings box be disabled when first loading the page.
 - Website: Fixed the letter "A" representing an AI player from being outside its box.
 - Mods: Added the ability to set territories to pickable during territory picking.
 - Mods: Added field TerritoryModification.AddArmies, TerritoryModification.AddStructuresOpt, and GameOrderEvent.AddResourceOpt.  These let you add/remove things instead of setting them.  This is preferable over setting for reducing conflicts between different mods.
 - Mods: Added GameOrderEvent.AddCardPiecesOpt and GameOrderEvent.RemoveWholeCardsOpt so that mods can now add/remove cards at will.
 - Mods: Fixed NumberInputField from accepting letters in UJS.
 - Mods: Fixed dialog not closing when close() is called in Client_PresentMenuUI.
 - Mods: Fixed DateTimes in UJS so they return milliseconds to be consistent with other platforms.
 - Mods: Fixed a bug with mods that add commanders into a game that wasn't configured to start with commanders that made things not re-fog properly when a commander dies.  This also manifested in errors in some cases like one that said "Can't attack yourself"
 - Website: Fixed numpad number buttons and backspace.
 - Unity: Fixed "Main Heightmap length too long" error.
 - All: Fixed anti-aliasing on thumbnail rendering.
 - All: Fixed thumbnail rendering so it doesn't add a stroke to objects that should not have had a stroke.
 - All: The map designer now paginates the bonuses dialog to ensure it stays fast even when there are lots of bonuses.
 - Unity: Added close button to map designer.
 - Unity: Heightmaps now treat completely transparent pixels the same as black.
 - Unity: Fixed tooltips.
 - Unity: Fixed error when hovering over links.
 - Unity: Fixed example army numbers not moving when center point was changed.
 - Unity: Fixed IndexOutOfRangeException when using heightmaps on some maps.
 - Unity: Fixed ArgumentException when using heightmaps on some maps.
 - Standalone: When the update dialog links you to the new version of the app on Windows, it will now detect if you're running the 32 or 64 bit version and link you to the correct one.  The wiki also links to the 64 bit version by default now.
 - Idle: Fixed auto dig not digging in the middle of time warp artifacts.
 - Unity: Fixed 3d map / heightmap bugs.
 - Unity: Fixed small spacing below the tab bar when tabs were enabled.
 - Unity: Fixed bonus link numbers changing size when "show example army numbers" was checked in the map designer.
 - Unity: Fixed army number sizes in the map designer to approximately match how big they are on the website.
 - Unity: Fixed a bug that caused an error if you opened the same map in 2d mode multiple times.
 - Unity: Fixed example army numbers sometimes being below the heightmap.
 - All: Fixed "add special unit" button being visible to non-members in the custom scenario editor, as only members can use commanders it was confusing when the commanders didn't appear in-game.

 - All: The list of players to choose for the destination of private chat is now sorted.
 - Unity: Added option for enabling 3d maps for members in the settings.
 - Unity: Added free camera option to map preview.
 - Unity: Fixed hit detection on 3d maps.
 - Unity: Fixed 3d map objects with cut-outs sometimes not rendering the cut-outs.
 - Unity: Fixed bonus links not appearing for newly added bonuses in the map designer.
 - Unity: Fixed the top right menu and game menu from being too small on high-scaled screens.
 - Mods: Fixed a bug that caused an error if a mod played a spy card between teammates.
 - Website: Fixed not being able to enter negative overridden bonuses.
 - Unity: Fixed 3d texture copying from one map to another when selecting territories.
 - Unity: Fixed textures being upside down in 3d maps.  Note that this requires re-tessellating all maps, so there may still be visual bugs until that finishes.
 - Unity: Fixed some territories being inside-out ("invisible") in 3d 
 - Unity: Fixed 3d textures being incorrect in 3d maps.
 - Unity: Fixed an error that occurred when making a blank svg file into a 3d map.
 - Unity: Fixed map designer "SphereCollider" error message on mobile devices.
 - Android: Fixed some maps from flickering when zooming, such as Portugal Big.  
 - Idle: Fixed a bug that could cause an error when conquering the last territory on the map.
 - Idle: Fixed a bug with challenge level achievements.
 - Idle: Fixed changing the mine doubler not saving properly in some cases.
 - Idle: Fixed a bug that made advanced auto-conquer mess up the "armies saved from hospitals/joint strike" statistics.
 - Classic: If a player has more than 500 boots and a greater than 30% boot rate, the surrender tutorial now gets more annoying.
 - Classic: Fixed a bug that could make territories not re-fog properly when viewing a history game from the perspective of one team in a team game and one player on that team gets booted or surrenders.
 - All: Fixed the layout of the map designer page when on a very small device.
 - Website: Fixed a bug with the airlift audio.
 - Website: Fixed real-time ladder stat pages.
 - API: ValidateInviteToken now returns an error when querying deleted accounts.