Battle of Hong Kong 1941: Gin Drinkers' Line

Created by desertfox1089 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 4/1/2021
Number of attempts: 77
Number of wins: 14
Number of likes: 5
Record holder: T in 24 turns on 4/1/2021


8th December, 1941 marked one of the single most eventful days during the Second World War. Malayan Campaign, Philippines Campaign, Dutch East Indies campaign, Battle of Guam, Battle of Wake Island and Battle of Hong Kong were simultaneously launched by the Empire of Japan. On the same day, war was declared on her by both the British Empire and the United States of America.

On the battlefield of Hong Kong, the horribly inadequate mix of British, Indian, Canadian, Chinese, and other Allied forces, numbering 14,564; faced off against three full regiments of the IJA 38th Division. The main line of defense laid across the mountains north of Kowloon Peninsula, stretching from Gin Drinker’s Bay to the west to Devil’s Peak in the East.

You are going to play as the 2nd Battalion, Royal Scots, and defend the western flank of the Gin Drinkers’ Line, where the main Japanese thrust is expected to come. Your AI comrades will defend the rest of the Line. You have access to two Reinforcement cards; as well as an abundance of Emergency Blockade cards, which you will continue to receive throughout the battle. Using them accurately and wisely would be key to winning this battle. Guerilla tactics will also play a major role. Retreat to the island is not an option in this scenario.

In December 1941, the Gin Drinkers’ Line fell to the Japanese after a mere two days. Will you be able to achieve the impossible and defeat the superior foes?

Hint: Do not allow your main fortified position, the Shing Mun Redoubt (On Yam, garrisoned by 45 units) to fall into Japanese hands!


from a Hong Konger