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Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/19/2022 13:12:18

Level 65
What a non-ego thing to say
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/19/2022 13:20:11

Level 56
mate you did a 45 min interview on youtube about yourself on wl, lets not go there
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/19/2022 13:26:25

Level 63
pulsey is feeding off an ego from 2016, maybe play the game some and we'd take you more serious. you're a relic, old man! ;)
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/19/2022 13:27:51

Level 56
you see, thats where we're the opposite, wz is like the disabled version of WL, i can't take anyone who plays this game serious
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/19/2022 13:28:29

Samek ●
Level 57
xD this thread xD
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/19/2022 13:39:45

Level 65
If I haven't been able to convey that the topic of the interview was this game, I must've indeed done a lot of things incorrectly
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/19/2022 13:41:30

Level 56
you're on crack if you think anyone watched that for longer than 4.5 secs
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/19/2022 13:41:52

Level 65
You would be surprised
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/19/2022 13:42:47

Samek ●
Level 57
Link please. ^_^ I will guage it on it's fancy level.
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/19/2022 13:44:27

Level 65
Pulsey's reference is my interview with Samurai Jack: https://youtu.be/ilmZEO81lg0
You've seen it already :)
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/19/2022 13:45:29

Samek ●
Level 57
Oh, I listened to it twice!
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/19/2022 13:53:07

Level 56
yes well what can I say, 2015 me would probably have watched it too
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/19/2022 14:05:37

Samek ●
Level 57
I hope someday you can find joy again on WZ. ●
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/19/2022 14:58:15

Level 59
I listened to the whole thing too. And let's not kid ourselves- WZ is WL. The source code for the site still uses a bunch of modules named "warlight," the distribution link for the APK still has "warlight," the core game is still the exact same, etc. It's a rebrand.

Edited 9/19/2022 14:58:33
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/19/2022 18:38:07

Level 64

I see you did fail to quote my complete answer where i kindly suggested a couple of clans you could ask to see if you could get in :)


For some reason we have just room for 40.
Your clan has a big advantage with no cap of players.
Sadly Fizzer prefer it that way.
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/19/2022 19:00:07

Level 62
Agree with you that it's not right, should be fair for all clans. Goes back to l4v's point that it shows that the current use of clans (as CW vessels) doesn't really align with what clans were meant to accomplish in the beginning (community).

In the end though tbh, don't think it's as big an advantage as it initially appears, at least not for us, b/c typically when people quit playing CW, they leave the clan, and it's still a struggle to get a full 40 player roster, and it's mostly new additions, and little returning players from the past who used to play, then went inactive but returned. So we're still inviting new members in each season for the purposes of CW, we're still managing a 40-player CW roster. Since there's few to no "returning" CW players, there's not really any material benefit to us as far as CW goes. In a couple seasons, it's actually been a disadvantage for us, b/c people who weren't on the CW roster end up casually playing 1 CW game thus locking in a slot and never playing again, and some of our better players weren't able to play that season. Agree though that it could be a more material advantage for other clans that don't have aggressive CW roster management.

So really all it saves us from is kicking the CW-inactive members from the clan itself.

The true advantage it gives us is being able to have clan-active but CW-inactive members, and retain our identity beyond merely being a CW clan.
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/19/2022 19:47:50

Level 59
I think it's less so about the in-CW advantage but rather about the dynamics of clans themselves. While the 40-cap + CW might have increased Clan revenue (although I wouldn't be so sure; the numbers aren't clear cut), the incentives they create don't mesh well with the community benefit of clans.

Organically, clan size distribution winds up being bimodal or trimodal.

You have niche tight-knit clans- elite clans (MASTER), friend groups (those IRL clans), odd interests (Poon Squad), superspecialists ({rp}), and those clans usually struggle to hit 40 actives because they're sort of like friend guilds.

You also have the (imo) far more impactful clustering superclans. The same way population across cities is distributed along a power law curve, rather than uniformly, player distribution across superclans is distributed very unevenly. And it's for the same reason as cities- these superclans go through a boom-bust cycle where clustering effects allow them to become insanely high-value, hyperactive, motivated, self-reinforcing value-creating communiites. For community value, the most worthwhile clans to join are often the ones that a bunch of people are already in. You see this dynamic in the diplo generational cycle (UN > TLW/TRF > CORP > CORP/TJC(?) > ??? > Justinian's clan?), peaking & dying/stagnating casual clans (TBA/TLA/TSFH), even training clans (there's usually 1-3, with 1 or 2 as the clear good options for new players looking to learn). The 40 cap hampers the creation of future superclans- it's like if we made it illegal for cities to grow past 6 million residents. That would be a grave crime against GDP, probably Nuremberg-level damage, and the same thing is being done by the 40-cap to the value clans as a whole create for players.

The true advantage it gives us is being able to have clan-active but CW-inactive members, and retain our identity beyond merely being a CW clan.
Which speaks to the community benefit, although I'd argue from anecdata (people I've seen join M'H) that M'H has also lost a lot of its community value of late and is much closer to a CW clan than to what it once was.
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/20/2022 00:05:45

Level 56
I listened to the whole thing too. And let's not kid ourselves- WZ is WL. The source code for the site still uses a bunch of modules named "warlight," the distribution link for the APK still has "warlight," the core game is still the exact same, etc. It's a rebrand.

No its not, what blasphemy. clearly you weren't around to remember WL in its glory
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/20/2022 00:29:39

Level 59
hey Pulsey are you sugondese
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/20/2022 00:52:32

Level 62
How glorious was it really?

^^a serious question

People talk about those days like we missed the golden years ... but never really say what about it was better other than the fact that it was. Surely it's not the game itself ... so far as I understand, it's just new name, UI and colour scheme, otherwise exactly the same as before.

So maybe the community? Are the "WL was better" folks really just saying they hate the people now?
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