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Is Clan Wars DYING?!?! 😨😨😨: 2/11/2022 04:46:42

Level 59
@UFO: that's not just the skill rating but also the matchmaking. Also Arrow, stop simping. Giving Fizzer compliment sandwiches to get him to fix the most egregious dumb decision is how you get him thinking the other dumb decisions are good ideas.

The matchmaking algorithm is avoidably bad. Rating at the clan level only is avoidably bad. Capping clans at 40 is avoidably and inexplicably bad. The way the participation cap works is avoidably bad. The template selection is avoidably bad. The rewards and pacing are avoidably bad. Totally ignoring or misunderstanding user feedback as the feature bleeds users is hilariously bad.

Even the default, yolo, no-design-just-ship-it implementation of CW would have been better than the decisions here that seemingly and quite unfortunately were made after actual thought. CW as it presently exists is what you get when a game dev that doesn't use a feature or understand its desire paths overconfidently overhauls it by surprise, ignores user feedback, doesn't understand that their implementation doesn't respond to what users asked for, and then doesn't bother to land the feature to make sure it achieves its objectives.

As part of my job, I have to conduct interviews on coding, technical design, etc. One of the hardest things to do in such interviews is to differentiate between the lower scores (e.g., Strong No Hire vs. No Hire)- how do you distinguish between someone who merely falters at reasoning about system design and someone who is clearly way way way out of their depth and fundamentally misunderstands how to develop software or reason about algorithms to identify their properties and decide between them? Thankfully, Warzone's development gives me plenty of material to calibrate expectations for the lowest possible score.

PS: Will this thread ever be allowed to die?!!

Edited 2/11/2022 04:49:53
Is Clan Wars DYING?!?! 😨😨😨: 2/11/2022 04:53:25

Level 64
Just a thought, rather than using level # matching, why not use CW win/loss matching?
Is Clan Wars DYING?!?! 😨😨😨: 2/11/2022 04:57:28

Level 59
@ZS: that sorting within clans (instead of account ID) could improve individual match quality a bit and help individual win rates converge to 50/50.

Although it'd be worth auditing first how match quality affects participation behavior before messing with match quality. Maybe some players really enjoy uneven matches where they play CW every day to beat down a much weaker player. And maybe some players enjoy losing every day in CW (since it means they don't have to try as hard).

Edited 2/11/2022 04:58:35
- downvoted post by THEY CALL HIM MISTER KEK
Is Clan Wars DYING?!?! 😨😨😨: 2/11/2022 20:56:54

Level 59
No but if I were it would still come out better than Clan Wars' matchmaking.

Edited 2/11/2022 21:03:00
Is Clan Wars DYING?!?! 😨😨😨: 2/21/2022 13:01:59

β¬›οΈβ¬œοΈπŸŸ₯Uhtred of Bebbanburg
Level 60
"Is Clan Wars DYING?!?! 😱😱😱"?

No but I certainly hope so!
Is Clan Wars DYING?!?! 😨😨😨: 2/21/2022 13:43:23

Level 58
Is Clan Wars DYING?!?! 😨😨😨: 2/23/2022 19:59:02

Level 58
@ZS: that sorting within clans (instead of account ID) could improve individual match quality a bit and help individual win rates converge to 50/50.

They should use clan wars win rate cause normal winrate can be tampered with for easy matches. Individual clan wars win rate would be fool proof
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